Thursday, November 08, 2018

The day after... where is my pill?

Let's take a look at what may happen, now that Democrats have control of the House while Republicans gained seats in the Senate.

Trump fires Sessions, vows to fight Democrats if they launch probes

First, Trump fired Sessions, his Attorney General. Something he has always want to do, and now he has done it. Was it a wise move? Some would say no, since Sessions has been helping Trump drive the conservative agenda all this while, going after immigration and minority rights. But while the Democrats have the House, the Senate is still Republican, and now, filled with even more pro-Trump Senators. This means it is unlikely the Senate will vote to support Trump's impeachment. And likely that any political appointment Trump puts out will be confirmed.

Which means Mattis is likely to go soon... and Kelly has been sidelined already anyway, so it doesn't matter whether he gets replaced or not.

BTW, when the AG gets fired, the next in line for succession is the deputy AG. By law. So I am not very sure how Sessions' chief-of-staff can be acting AG. Probably illegal. Someone should challenge that.

Oh, and vowing to fight back should the Democrats subpoena his tax returns... that is not what an innocent man says. It's like a fifteen year old boy telling his mother, "Don't you dare look under my bed!" If a person has nothing to hide, he would hate that intrusion, but he will comply and say, "Look all you want, you ain't going to find anything in there." Threatening people only makes everyone wonder, "Hmm... what is he hiding in there?"

So now that he has hijacked the Senate, what can the Democrats do?

One thing Pelosi can do is offer Mitch a deal: the Republicans already have a firm majority in the Senate. Impeach Trump, Pence becomes President, and the Republicans will still control the Senate. Meanwhile, the Democrats will play nice and the House will agree to certain laws that the Republicans want to pass. Basically, "impeach Trump and we will have compromise and bipartisanship for the next two years; keep Trump, and politics will come to a standstill for two years." Of course, it is only two years; Mitch may just decide to rough it out, hang in there for two years, and bet on winning back the House in two years' time. Still, it is an option to get things done while Mitch is in office.

And attacking Republicans, after they have lost, saying that they lost because they never embraced you... that's just narcissistic. Unless elections in the U.S. has degraded into popularity contests. This ain't a vote for prom king and queen. Democracy is not about voting for a person; it is about voting for a person who best represents your own ideals and desires. People don't vote for Trump because they like Trump; they vote for what he represents. But I guess it is too difficult for him to understand the concept of democracy. 

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