Saturday, January 29, 2011

USA trip Dec 2010 - Southern California

December 2010. We visited the USA, mainly Los Angeles and this little town called Mechanicsburg.

Here's the start of the journey, Changi International Airport. There is an area where you can use the Internet for free!

Day 1: We reached LA after a long flight across the Pacific Ocean, and rented a car to move around. First stop was to get to my cousin's place. After setting up the GPS and taking a slow drive, we finally made it.

We got to LA at a very bad time, actually. It happened to be the rainy season, and this year's rain was a lot more than usual. In fact, it was the worst rainy season they had in decades. The rain caused landslides and minor flash floods. It is totally not like the sunny California that we are so used to hearing about.

Day 2: We visited the Natural History Museum, driving there in the rain. It wasn't as interesting as we thought, just full of static displays.

The kid managed to get some hands-on though, trying to find buried fossils.

Right beside the Natural History Museum was the Science Centre. We managed to get there despite the rain, and it was a fun experience for the kid, since he was able to play around with the exhibits.

My cousin's husband had a Christmas party at his workplace and we were invited. The kid got a chance to take a photo with Santa Claus.

Day 3: We wanted to visit Kidspace Children's Museum, but it was closed due to the rain. So we went shopping instead at Desert Hills Premium Outlets. It was harrowing to say the least, driving in the rain... it was worse at night, trying to drive in the heavy rain on unlit and unfamiliar roads (you can barely see the lane markings...) and it is made worse since I was driving on a side of the road that I am not used to. But we made it through fine.

Day 4: The original plan called for a visit to Disneyland. The rain made sure that plan didn't materialise. Instead, we spent it shopping again, this time at the nearby mall.

Day 5: We left LA for San Diego. It was a nice drive down, during which we made a stop to get the kid an Elmo toy. We had wanted to visit Legoland, but it was closed due to the rain. Instead, we visited the aquarium (know as Sea Life Aquarium) at Legoland, and thought it was a good experience. The kid loved playing with the Lego bricks so much, we got him his own set.

We spent the night in San Diego before leaving the next day to catch our plane bound for Philadelphia.

Total distance driven: 493 miles

Here's the Mazda 6 that we rented for this part of the trip.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hawaiian summer 2010

In summer 2010, I spent some time in Hawaii (Oahu) due to work, but also managed to squeeze in some time to explore the island with the family.

The famous Waikiki beach, with Diamond Head in the background.

You can't say you have to been to Hawaii if you never visit Waikiki. Here's a shot of the sun over the beach.

Another famous beach: Waimea Point. People so love jumping off the rock here.

It's a great place for the kids to play in the sand too, since it is not as crowded as Waikiki.

Hawaii is full of beaches, here's the view from another beach, Sunset Beach.

And the family photo, taken at Pali Lookout.

The sightseeing was short but enjoyable. I wonder when we will be able to do this again?

Sunday, January 09, 2011

My Kindle 3

After finally getting myself an Amazon Kindle 3, here's some updates.

My wife, ever so good at sewing, kindly produced a case of her own for my Kindle 3. It allows me to keep my Kindle safe from scratches while carrying it around from place to place. Here's how it looks like:

The case itself:

The case with the Kindle in it:

The case with the Kindle on it:

Also, to those who worry about security checks while travelling with the Kindle, so far, I have not been told to remove the Kindle from its case at airport security checks. But onboard planes, they will still ask you to stop using the Kindle during take-off and landing.

The Kindle 3 is great for reading novels and books without pictures. Being able to change the font size and line spacing really helps. But if there are pictures... they may not turn out as well. It is also very convenient when travelling. I like to read several books at a time, switching between them as my interest switches. With the Kindle, I was able to switch between books without having to carry physically more than one book (and the Kindle is lighter and smaller than most books too). The Internet browser is not that great, though... given that the e-ink screen does not refresh as well as a normal LCD screen.

If I have a wish for how the next Kindle would be like:
- Colour screen (now that colour e-ink is out)
- Better way of viewing the notes (instead of everything in a single file)
- A standalone notepad application (that way, I can use it as a notepad too!)
- More robust web browser

Get your Kindle 3 today at Amazon!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Welcome 2011!!

Happy New Year 2011!

This year, we spent the holidays in Japan as always. A more detailed update will soon follow... once I manage to get the pictures sorted out.

Meanwhile, hope everyone has a great year ahead!