Sunday, March 29, 2015

Farewell to our founding father


On a rainy day as a nation bids farewell to our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, let us move forward as a nation and celebrate his successes.

47 years ago, we did not waver in rain or wind. Today, we continue to stand strong in the heavy rain and strong wind.

Rest in peace, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Being clever slows your learning... sometimes

Sometimes, we are too clever for our own good. Especially when it comes to learning something.

Some things must be learnt in stages. There are no short cuts. One step at a time. Practise what you are taught, and you will eventually get there.

But sometimes we are too clever for our own good. We try to think we know better. We try to put our own little theory together, and think that we understand things better than our teacher. We think this newfound understanding helps us to learn faster.

Sometimes, that "understanding" is actually us not really understanding. Instead of bringing us faster to our goal, we end up taking an even longer route.

We may be smart, we may be clever, but sometimes, it is not about how smart or clever one is. It is about how much one practises, how much effort one puts in.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Busy start to March 2015

March 2015 started off really busy for me.

After spending the Chinese New Year in Japan, there was quite a bit of things to catch up on back in Singapore. Like housework. Like my calligraphy practice. Like work.

With so much to do, it is no wonder that I became so tired over the past week and a half. Over the past few days, since March started, I have been so tired that I just couldn't find energy to practise taiji. And that speaks a lot for someone who thinks that one needs to practise precisely when he is tired, in order to be great.

So four straight days without practice... that's something that happens only when I am on holiday.

I need to get my act together and back to practice!