Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Watching Insomniacs After School (君は放課後インソムニア) live-action adaptation movie

Insomniacs After School (君は放課後インソムニア) was adapted into an anime and is showing on TV right now (but almost ending soon, though). A live-action adaptation movie was also announced and I was quite interested to see how well it runs as a story. The movie premiered in Japan last Friday (23 June 2023) but I didn't managed to catch it until today because the movie is not screening at many theatres. Well, at least not at the nearest theatre.

Here's the trailer.

Here's an excerpt from the movie, when the main characters visited Mawaki Site.

Compared to other live-action adaptations like Let Me Eat Your Pancreas (the anime's English title is I Want to Eat Your Pancreas) I think the director was too ambitious. Let Me Eat Your Pancreas is a single-volume story, but Insomniacs After School is a manga series with 13 volumes currently containing more than 100 chapters. Trying to squeeze the story into a two-hour movie is going to be really difficult. For example, the anime adaptation has reached volume 6 in its first 12 episodes. The movie tried to squeeze the content of the first 10 episodes of the anime into the first hour of the movie. Instead of character development, it is more like a summary and can be very confusing to people who have not read the manga or watched the anime.

Instead, the director could have been a bit more selective, skipping over entire parts of the story and focusing on the beginning when our main characters got to know each other, (re)started the Astronomy Club, and then went on that trip to photograph different parts of the Noto Peninsula. This would make the story short enough to fit into two hours without rushing, yet still make some sense in terms of consistency. The live-action adaptation of Your Lie in April followed this technique and it didn't turn out bad.

In the end, the movie felt rushed in the first hour, and in the second half, when it tried to further develop the characters, it was hard to follow or feel any sense of empathy for the characters. In terms of the visuals and audio, there wasn't anything that made it a "must watch on the big screen" kind of movie too. It is more like a "watch on a streaming platform if you have nothing better to do" movie.

Update 4 July 2023: The anime series ended last night, and I must say I prefer the simple ending that the anime offered. The overall pace of the anime series was much better and it made use of the longer run to provide a story that developed the characters, ending at an appropriate part of the overall series. The live-action adaptation movie, on the other hand, was really rushed and ended with a slightly bitter taste.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Upgrading workstation to Proxmox Virtual Environment 8

I decided to slowly upgrade my home servers to Proxmox VE 8, starting with my Fujitsu Celsius M740 Proxmox workstation that was installed with XFCE desktop on top of Proxmox VE 7. As the base installation was Proxmox VE 7, it was supposed to be a simple matter of following the upgrade instructions.

However, somewhere during
apt dist-upgrade
the process hung when setting up libgdk-pixbuf-2. I had to abort the process, then run
apt -f install
dpkg --configure -a
apt dist-upgrade
to finally get everything properly upgraded.

Running neofetch then gave me this:


I will slowly be upgrading the other servers (probably the ML110 Gen9 first, followed by the custom install on top of LMDE5). I also have a server with Proxmox VE 7 and Proxmox Backup Server installed that has yet to be put into service, and I will wait for Proxmox Backup Server to be supported on Debian 12 before upgrading this one, since the upgrade instructions say "Co-installed Proxmox Backup Server should wait until a public beta or final version will be released."
Update 10 July 2023: My Microserver Gen8 with Proxmox VE 7 and Proxmox Backup Server 2 has been successfully upgraded to Proxmox VE 8 and Proxmox Backup Server 3, following the instructions here and here.
The screenshot only shows Proxmox VE but it is actually co-installed with Proxmox Backup Server. It is currently not in use but I intend to switch my existing Proxmox Backup Server to the Microserver Gen8 eventually. The current server, though, has low power draw and is therefore really great for 24/7 operations. The Microserver Gen8 draws more power (and even more if I add a SAS controller to use SAS drives) but it comes with iLO4 which makes remote management a lot easier.

Update 11 July 2023: I finally updated my main server, the ML110 Gen9. All I needed to do was to follow the instructions here.

It upgraded without a hitch. I also added another 4x3.5-inch drive cage to the server, so it can handle up to 8x3.5-inch drives now. All of them are connected to a SAS controller that is passed through to the TrueNAS VM.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Duanwu 端午 (Dragon Boat Festival)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is Duanwujie 端午节, also called the Dragon Boat Festival. It has nothing to do with the 24 solar terms but I thought I would still write something as practice, since it is a traditional Chinese festival.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Summer solstice 夏至

After Mangzhong, or 芒種, comes the summer solstice, or 夏至 (Xiazhi), another of the 二十四節気 24 solar terms. It literally means "extreme summer", and this is the day with the longest period of daylight.
What started out as calligraphy practice is becoming a habit, and I hope to at least finish the entire cycle of 24 terms.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Calligraphy grading

Every year, the calligraphy group that I am under has a grading. Well, it is not like an examination, held on a single day. Rather, there are certain phrases that need to be written and submitted before the deadline. This year is no different.

The phrases are made known in March, and the deadline is in late June. Results are announced in September. After months of practising, these will be my submissions.

And this is the trash... about 200 sheets, I think, based on a very rough estimate.

Wish me luck! 😊

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Mangzhong 芒種

After Xiaoman, or 小满, comes Mangzhong, or 芒種, another of the 二十四節気 24 solar terms. It literally means "grain in ear", and signifies the last opportunity for sowing grains.