Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ivanka using private email: Some thoughts on separating work from private life

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last year

"She said she was not familiar with some details of the rules"

You would think someone whose father's rallies were filled with chants of "Lock her up!" would know. I mean, no one ever told me that I should never burn down someone else's house, but that doesn't mean the police isn't going to arrest me if I do.

But it also brings one to another issue, that of employing your own family members in public appointments. While it is still a borderline issue on whether this particular administration's actions are nepotism or not, the issue is here is that when you do, the line between work and private life becomes very, very vague. It is hard enough for normal people to separate work from private life. It is extremely difficult for people in public office or those with lots of public attention (like celebrities) to do so. And when you hire your own family for such work, it then becomes almost impossible.

And now, the question is, will Trump be still enjoying chants of "Lock her up!" since he wouldn't know if "her" refers to Hillary or Ivanka?

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