Sunday, October 08, 2017

Trump and North Korea

At this point in time, I seriously believe Trump is going to lead the U.S. into a war with North Korea.


Trump has made remarks about North Korea and its leader. He has made known his belief that past diplomatic efforts were "failures," and that he "will not fail." His remarks and tweets only help to reaffirm my belief that he is serious about his thoughts.

Couple this with the recent issues with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Trump has openly gone against Tillerson's diplomatic efforts (through Twitter, for that matter). And the report that Tillerson called Trump a "moron." Trump was reported to be very mad about this. And he is likely to want to prove that he is not a moron. He will need to show that he is better than Tillerson. He needs to show that he is right, and Tillerson is wrong. And one way to show that is to attack North Korea, to show that his talk about tough measures is the right way, while Tillerson's diplomatic method is wrong.

This is a slippery road. Here, war is being used not as an extension of policy by other means. It is being used in place of policy, when there are other methods available. It is being used for personal egoistic purposes.

I just hope Secretary of Defense Mattis and COS Kelly can find tactful ways to prevent rash action. I hope they are not blinded by military loyalty and can see beyond the immediate.

I guess the best we can all do, in the meantime, is pray.

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