Sunday, May 03, 2009

Finally over!

After two tiring weeks, it is finally over! Need to thank everyone for their support, especially my wife, my sister-in-law, my mother-in-law, my teacher, Ziyang, Mr Koh, Liqiang, Sisheng, Aiya and Paul. It was not easy trying to juggle so many things at one time (dealing with the new addition to the family, falling ill, attending classes, taking tests, dealing with baby's first month, working at a full time job) but it is over now. Though I likely have to redo a few of the items, at least it is a step forward. Will know the results in a few weeks time.

Next is to work on my calligraphy practice for May... plus got to carve a new seal for myself... first I have to buy the seal...

1 comment:

aiya said...

So honored to get mentioned in the credentials! but...what have i done to help? *puzzled*...keke...

anyway..congrats on the completion of all these big tasks. Good job!

see ya soon...