Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 miscellaneous calligraphy pieces

There are some of the calligraphy pieces that I wrote in July 2024.

親愛忠誠 is the motto of a school.

In hope of a cooler summer, I wrote 静 (quiet) and 凉 (cool).

Different people dancing (舞 dance)

Lots of love 愛

Just for fun, I also wrote this to show that I can write better than Yasuke. 😅
(This has to do with the recent controversy over Yasuke, which I may explore in a separate post. For those interested, I came across a post consolidating historical texts about Yasuke.)

I will be posting such "consolidated" posts from now on.

July 2024 calligraphy "homework"

The calligraphy society that I belong to has "homework" that members can submit each month. The pieces submitted are then graded, and selected pieces are published each month in the monthly magazine.

I call it homework, but it is actually just a set of characters that members can use for practice each month. These characters are determined on a monthly basis to make it easier for grading and selection purposes. There are also many categories, such as kanji and kana on 半紙 hanshi paper, rinsho (aka copy works of past masters) on hanshi paper, kanji and kana on 半切 hansetsu paper, and single character works (on 1/4 hansetsu paper).

In the past, I diligently submitted kanji and kana hanshi pieces each month when my teacher was still actively teaching. But she has retired, and I am on my own and have to do the submissions on my own. So I have not been submitting anything except for the annual gradings, and the exhibition since I earned my qualification as an instructor. But I thought I should start learning how to do the monthly submissions on my own, and so I took a look at the "homework" for July, and saw that the "homework" for single character work was to write the character 鎮.

This was the piece I submitted.
But I also had other pieces which I felt were quite okay.

I also wrote the same character on hanshi paper too.

This one was a bit too "playful" so I decided not to use this style for submissions.

I also submitted the kanji hanshi "homework".
I think I will try to submit something each month, and post the submissions here as a way of keeping a record.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Two types of love 愛 (calligraphy art)

I was using the character for love (愛) for calligraphy practice the other day, and came up with these two types of love.

Strong and bold versus faint and diluted


Monday, July 22, 2024

75th Mainichi Shodo Exhibition (第75回毎日書道展) at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

The 75th Mainichi Shodo Exhibition (第75回毎日書道展) spans two venues: The National Art Center, Tokyo (NACT) in Roppongi, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno. On display at NACT are the works by members of the Mainichi Shodo Association (including the organising committee of the Mainichi Shodo Exhibition) as well as winning works from the selected public submissions. The selected public submissions that did not win any prize or award (such as mine...) are displayed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

Last week, I went to see the works on display at NACT. My work is on display from 18 to 24 July 2024 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, so I went yesterday to it as well as the other works (from the Kanto area) selected for the exhibition. I was quite excited as this was my first time submitting a work to Mainichi Shodo Exhibition, and it was selected for display.
Some directions on where the works are being displayed. The entry to the museum is at B1, and the exhibition covered all 3 floors from B1 to the 2nd floor.
You can see the amount of space taken up by this exhibition. You basically enter from B1, where display area 1 is, and then make you way through the rooms/areas, then move up to the next floor, repeat the process, and then up another floor and repeat again.
My piece was on display at the area marked 99.

This is an excerpt from the poem 短歌行 by 曹操, and the words are:

The works on display also gave me a sense of what to aim for, although the ones at NACT were a better guide (of course, since those are the winning works). I took some photos to for future reference.

Oh, at the end of the exhibition area on the 2nd floor are the winning works from the 32nd International High School Shodo Exhibition held last year. These are works by high school students, and I was really amazed by the high level of their works.

I am truly inspired to want to do better. So it is back to practice, and to think about what to write for future submissions!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fifth anniversary of Kyoto Animation attack

It has been five years since the arson attack on Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) 1st Studio, which resulted in 36 fatalities and 32 injured.

A monument in memory of the victims was recently unveiled at the Historical Park of Tea and Uji Town (お茶と宇治のまち歴史公園) in Uji City (Kyoto Prefecture) where Kyoto Animation is based. In view of this, there will not be any online streaming of a video in memory of the victims this year.

Fans can visit the monument at the park anytime, but are asked not to leave any flowers or other such tokens. For fans of Hibike! Euphonium, the park is actually near Kumiko's bench. It is further up the river, on the opposite bank.

Slightly after 10:30 a.m. today, a memorial service was held at the site of the former 1st Studio, attended by 144 people, including employees and affiliates of Kyoto Animation as well as families of the victims.

It was mentioned that the plan is to build an office at the site of the former 1st Studio, and there will also be a private monument in memory of the victims there.
List of 36 victims who appeared in credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie (I updated the list with the name of the 36th victim today)

English news:

Commissioned calligraphy work 自强不息 (臨書)

A while ago, someone commissioned me to write a copy of the words 自强不息 found at the entrance of his alma mater, The Chinese High School (in Singapore).

This was the piece that I sent him, written on hansetsu 半切 paper (around 35cm by 136cm).

Note: The Chinese High School is known as Hwa Chong Institution today. I can't find any "official" sources for the words 自强不息 so those who want to see the original can visit the school itself in Singapore...

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Two versions of 武

武 is a character that represents the martial arts. Here is this character written in two styles.


Saturday, July 13, 2024

75th Mainichi Shodo Exhibition (第75回毎日書道展) at The National Art Center, Tokyo (NACT)

The 75th Mainichi Shodo Exhibition (第75回毎日書道展) spans two venues: The National Art Center, Tokyo (NACT) in Roppongi, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum in Ueno. On display at NACT are the works by members of the Mainichi Shodo Association (including the organising committee of the Mainichi Shodo Exhibition) as well as winning works from the selected public submissions. The selected public submissions that did not win any prize or award (such as mine...) are displayed at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum.

I decided to go to NACT to see the winning works to get an idea of what to aim for in my future calligraphy practice. Most of the way from Roppongi Station to NACT is underground. The way from Roppongi Station passes through Tokyo Midtown, with signs guiding you to the exit that will eventually lead you near NACT.

Once you exit the underground area, a short walk brings you to NACT. Thankfully, the weather was somewhat cloudy and it was not as hot, so even the short distance above ground was not under the blazing summer sun.

Upon entering NACT, there were posters introducing the exhibition, plus related events. There are live calligraphy demonstrations by winners, and sessions that explain the winning works.

The exhibition itself spans three floors, with works by the organizing committee and grand prix winners on the first floor, works by members of the Mainichi Shodo Association and excellence award winners on the second floor, and merit award winners on the third floor (roughly). Here is a photo showing the entrance area to the exhibition halls housing the works.

I even managed to see the live calligraphy demonstration, where four winners showed how they actually went about writing their works. I only stayed for the first three winners, who won the grand prix for their kanji works (two of them) and single kanji work (one of them). The fourth was a carving piece and I sneaked out because I was not really interested.

I spent close to three hours before I reached the "exit" of the exhibition hall.

And I took a photo of this shot from the third floor of NACT. This place was featured in the anime movie Your Name. by Shinkai Makoto.

Photography is allowed, but I don't know if I am allowed to post photographs of other people's works, so forgive the lack of actual works in this post.

Next week, I will be going to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum to see my own work on display.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

June 2024 miscellaneous calligraphy pieces

Some calligraphy pieces written in June 2024.

These are the ones that didn't really belong to any previous posts.

Friday, July 05, 2024

Monument at Historical Park of Tea and Uji Town in memory of the victims of the fire at Kyoto Animation 1st Studio

On 1 February 2024, Kyoto Animation's President Hatta Hideaki, representing the committee of the bereaved families, submitted a proposal to the mayor of Uji City, asking to place a monument at a public park in Uji City. Today, there was an update on the monument. (Details in this post.)

A monument has been built at the Historical Park of Tea and Uji Town (お茶と宇治のまち歴史公園) in Uji City (Kyoto Prefecture) where Kyoto Animation is based. This monument was erected in memory of the victims of the fire at Kyoto Animation 1st Studio as well as to express gratitude to the prayers and support from fans all over the world. It is a symbol of everlasting gratitude and hope.
The monument is expected to be opened to the public from 14 July 2024 after 2 p.m. Before that, there will be a simple ceremony on the same day to report the erection of the monument to Uji City. Everyone is therefore requested not to go near the site of the monument until it is opened to the public. Your understanding and cooperation is requested for the smooth conduct of this ceremony.

As it is a long weekend, it is expected that there may be many visitors. People are asked to give way to each other and be courteous and considerate, and not to cause inconvenience to the other people using the park.

Finally, everyone is reminded again to refrain from visiting the site of the former Kyoto Animation 1st Studio. Your consideration for the local residents is greatly appreciated.

There will also not be any online ceremony this year on 18 July in memory of the victims.

Update 14 Jul 2024: The monument is now opened to the public. Visitors are requested to refrain from leaving any flowers or other such gestures. ("Requested to refrain" in Japan means "DO NOT".)

Text on the monument:
2024年7月 建立
(My translation below)
Passing on dreams and passion from people to people
Boundless dreams being pursued through animation
It takes years of training and deep passion to draw even a single line
The images and stories being delivered to children and all generations
From here in Uji, Kyoto to the world
The endless flapping of our wings toward the future
This monument was erected by co-workers, families, and supporters in long-lasting memory of the 36 persons who passed away in the event that occurred at Kyoto Animation 1st Studio on 18 July 2019, entrusting the spirit of every one of them to 36 birds.
Erected in July 2024

Related links:
Monuments in memory of the victims of the fire at Kyoto Animation 1st Studio
List of 36 victims of KyoAni fire listed in credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie
English news:
Monument unveiled in memory of Kyoto Animation arson victims
Monument Built in Kyoto in Memory of KyoAni Arson Victims
Other Kyoto Animation-related translations:
Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Translation of official report for "Violet Evergarden Overseas Orchestra Concert in Beijing"

Link to report (in Japanese)
Below is my English translation for fans who do not understand Japanese.

-------- start of report -------
On Saturday, 8 June 2024, "Violet Evergarden Overseas Orchestra Concert in Beijing" was held as the first overseas orchestra concert of the series at Beijing Zhongshan Park Music Hall (aka Forbidden City Concert Hall) in China.
China's Imperial 9 Symphony Orchestra, TRUE, and Chihara Minori performed at the concert, which reproduced the direction and music of the orchestra concert held in Tokyo in 2021 with an arrangement made especially for this performance.

More than 1,300 fans gathered at the concert venue, which was located near the Forbidden Palace. When the lights dimmed at the venue, which was filled with excitement, the concert started with the wheel rut scene and clock ticking from the start of Violet Evergarden The Movie. A round of applause welcomed the conductor Xuan Shang (弦上) and TRUE. The first piece was the opening song of the TV series, "Sincerely", with TRUE singing to the piano. The beautiful weaving of piano notes and voice in perfect tune with each other against the orchestra music brought the world of Violet Evergarden to the venue.

When the narration, in Japanese, from the TV anime series came on, the screen showed subtitles in Chinese. Soaking in the ambience of the concert's opening, the audience was drawn into the world of Violet Evergarden by the narration.

When a typewriter and chair were placed at the front of the stage, a performer dressed like Violet Evergarden appeared, and the sound of a real typewriter, as if typing out a letter, accompanied the symphonic melody of the TV anime series to invoke an image of Violet Evergarden.

Next, TRUE performed the song "Letter". Singing under the spotlight, she looked like Irma the singer from the anime. Chihara Minori then took the stage under a warm round of applause. She performed a cover of Episode 9's special ending song "Believe in..." Images summarizing the TV anime series were shown on the screen, and her voice, full of emotions, embraced the audience much like the thoughts of Violet Evergarden.

After music from Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll, TRUE and Chihara Minori again took the stage and spoke to the audience, including some words in Mandarin. When they asked if people were enjoying the concert, the audience clapped and cheered, bringing everyone together.

The two of them then introduced "Futarigoto", a song that they made together. Together, they performed the first orchestra arrangement of the song. The perfect entwining of their voices against the music of Violet Evergarden brought a special harmony that only they can deliver to the concert, penetrating deep into the hearts of the audience.

This was followed by music from Violet Evergarden The Movie and songs by Chihara Minori and TRUE, which brought the orchestra concert to its climax. The endless applause brought TRUE back to the stage for an encore, where she performed a cover of "Violet Snow". Together with TRUE's voice, the delicate tune of the harp, which was also depicted in the key visual of the concert, reached every corner of the venue. This brought even greater applause from the audience, and there were even some who were shedding tears.

Bouquets were given to Chihara Minori, TRUE, and the conductor Xuan Shang. With the flowers in their hands, TRUE and Chihara Minori spoke and expressed their thanks, again drawing applause from the audience. Finally, when the announcement was made for commemorative photo-taking, the venue was basked in flashing light, and the miraculous occasion was captured in photos. We hope that another day will come again when we can deliver the music of Violet Evergarden, beloved around the world, to people around the world.

----------- end of report ----------

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie

Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.