Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Consistency between "Violet Evergarden's If" and "Dietfried Bougainvillea's If"

When I saw this in "Violet Evergarden's If" (the four blacked out boxes are where the name of the girl is), I was amazed. Because of the consistency with "Diethard Bougainvillea's If", which was written after this story. Basically, it meant that author Akatsuki Kana had intended for the girl's name to be Linaria (リナリア), four characters long, when she first wrote "Violet Evergarden's If", which was handed out in September 2020 when Violet Evergarden The Movie was first aired in Japan.

The actual name Linaria only came out when "Diethard Bougainvillea's If" was published as part of Violet Evergarden: Last Letter in January 2022. We only got to know the girl was named Linaria by Diethard in January 2022. But back in 2020 (or even earlier), Akatsuki Kana had already given her a name.


My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie.

Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf)
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.

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