Monday, August 30, 2021

Using a Softbank mobile line with an unlocked phone

This is actually a note to self, since I use a Softbank mobile line, but I do not use phones purchased through Softbank. Instead, I prefer to get my own phones.

First, to use a Softbank mobile line with a phone that is not purchased through Softbank, you need to make sure you change your mobile line contract with Softbank to one that allows you to do so.

Then, after inserting the SIM card into the phone you want to use, you need to set the APN (access point name). You can get the settings here, or search for "Softbank APN".

The process entails going into the network settings of the phone, then adding a new APN with the APN, username, password, as well as the MMS settings (MMSC, MMS proxy, and MMS port). This will then allow you to access the Internet via the non-Softbank phone.

As to why I have this note to self... 😅 I spent about two hours outside today without Internet...

Komm, Süsser Tod (甘き死よ、来たれ Come, Sweet Death)

"Komm, Süsser Tod" (Japanese title: 甘き死よ、来たれ; "Come, Sweet Death" in English) is a song that was used in the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The song has its lyrics originally in Japanese, written by the creator of Evangelion, Anno Hideaki. This was then translated by Mike Wyzgowski into English for the actual rendition of the song and was performed by Arianne with music by Sagisu Shiro.

This is a cover by the band at Beyond Ghibli, a YouTube channel that talks about anime.

Original Japanese lyrics by Anno Hideaki:








English lyrics:
Komm, süsser Tod

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else
But now through all the hurt & pain
It's time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything
So with sadness in my heart
(I) feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
what's done is done it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
cause' now the guilt is all mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride
because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
In my heart of hearts
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
everything that matters to me, matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
cuz now the guilt is all mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride
because of that, it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
It all returns to nothing, I just keep letting me down, letting me down, letting me down 

The original Japanese lyrics are actually quite dark... more in line with the theme of seeking a return to nothingness through death to escape from the pains of life. Just reading it makes me depressed, so I am glad the English lyrics managed to capture part of the despair without really tumbling into the temptation of death as a solution to pain.

Entry on Evangelion fandom page

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Translating the message card from Violet Evergarden Orchestra Concert 2021

Violet Evergarden Orchestra Concert 2021 (「ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン」オーケストラコンサート2021) took place on August 14 to 15, 2021 at LINE CUBE Shibuya, with a total of three performances: one on August 14, and two on August 15. The last performance in the evening of August 15 was also streamed online. Those who bought tickets to attend the event at LINE CUBE Shibuya were also given a pair of "Anniversary Pair Glass" that came with a commemorative message card. (You can find my report on the second performance, the one in the afternoon of August 15, here.)

The pair glass came in this box, with the message card inside.

The message is on the reverse side of the card. It is a short letter from Violet. I am not reproducing the entire card here, only an excerpt.

The message itself reads:
Monruqpukkap sonhiqpon

Raqunhuiruqin yikimmunyuhhup Ekarte higiq ohikeqirrikuha, poqap eka acikehhupunu innap upuihicununokup ruhunha yoqrikuha.
Onruq nunrunuha iyuirraqa niruqyyicui nuhuhhagep onka ukigimmuhiqpuriqyyi uhuirikep.
Eka ruhihup "Nun annui ruhuqirrikon" ui guqunraguhuim mequgo, iyui "Nun annui ruhuqirrikon" ui ohonpoqqiyuicahun guqunrarikuha.
Ninruq hunipuicuru anukrikikruqe, anruquiy yakkicaqqugukruquq rharri guirrummuharikikruqe, uqquha ehaguhiq ninruq yekguhuinha, nikahhaguhuim mequ anuknhuqap, intu aquriq iyui pohaguru anruqahun gukap.
Ukrojhku ruyyoki anruqarra puruqyyucynu nokupuru ikarrap onka nupmarikon.

Violet Evergarden

Which I tried to translate, piece by piece, using my Tellsis translator. Here is my attempt in English.
Ladies and gentlemen
Children's laughter echoes across Ekarte island, and quiet times pass by quietly.
The monastery's band has announced that it will be performing.
Just like how letters convey "I love you", the music will convey "I love you.
Whether you feel lonely when surrounded by people, or everything feels like it is standing still from being tired running around, the world of music will walk with you slowly.
I hope the orchestra delivers a moment special to you.
Violet Evergarden

Here is my attempt in Japanese.


I am not sure if I got it right... but the gist of it is there. I hope this helps those who got the message card and are trying to figure out what it means.

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie
Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Upgrade Dell Inspiron 5491 2-in-1 laptop to Windows 11 preview

Windows 11 is out on the Insiders program and Dell Inspiron 5491 2-in-1 laptop is one of the Dell models supported. So yes, it is technically possible to upgrade to Windows 11 now. I did so, and found it to be very laggy. Every few seconds, the mouse would lag, the system would halt for a while before it becomes responsive again. For others who face similar issues, this is what I did to try and alleviate the lag.

1. Update to the latest Intel Graphics drivers.
Actually, I didn't see any much change in lag after installing the latest Intel Graphics drivers (which I got from here) but it was something that I did, so I am putting it here to be comprehensive.

2. Set to use the Nvidia GPU for certain programs.
I was using Zoom (which ran on the Nvidia GPU) and realised that the laptop didn't lag as much. This prompted me to try setting some programs to run on the Nvidia GPU, and yes, it seems to solve the lag issue. To do so, go to Settings, then under System > Display > Graphics (or you can type "gpu" in the Settings search bar and select "Graphics Settings" from the search results), there is "Custom options for apps". You can add programs to the list by browsing through your file system, then after choosing the program file, select "High performance" to get it to use the Nvidia GPU. For me, I have Firefox, Chrome, and Windows Explorer set to "High performance" and the system runs with a lot less lag now.

Hope this helps.

Update September 3, 2021: The KB5006050 update killed my installation, and I had to do a factory reset... sigh... back to Windows 10. At least it gave me a good reason to roll back to Windows 10 with a full factory reset.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Violet Evergarden Orchestra Concert 2021

Violet Evergarden Orchestra Concert 2021 (「ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン」オーケストラコンサート2021) takes place on August 14 to 15, 2021. There are a total of three performances: one on August 14, and two on August 15 (with the final one being streamed online). [Update August 25, 2021: The official report in Japanese from KyoAni can be read here. This post has also been updated with the names of the pieces based on the official report. Nice to know that my original post, based on memory, was more or less accurate.]

Tickets were sold online via balloting, but I managed to get a ticket for the second performance, which takes place today on August 15.

It was a rare chance to experience Violet Evergarden live and up close again, but the weather was really bad today. It has been raining heavily, and it was pouring buckets this morning. But the rain let up a bit just before noon, which allowed me to make my way to Shibuya. The concert was being held at this place called LINE CUBE Shibuya.

The concert is orchestra music, songs, and clips from the Violet Evergarden series (TV, Gaiden, 2020 movie). The following is an account of the concert, which contains a lot of spoilers (especially the second half of the concert, which was about the 2020 movie) so please stop reading if you don't like spoilers. Also, KyoAni has released some pictures from the concert on the official Violet Evergarden Twitter account, and I have embedded them here so that readers can better visualise the concert.

It was a full house for this performance (actually, all tickets sold out) and it is nice to see that the organisers kept alternate seats empty as a measure against COVID-19. The event was quite well managed in this aspect, with staggered entry times, disinfectants, and temperature checks. Even after the concert ended, exit from the hall was staggered to prevent crowding.
Seats were assigned by the organisers, but I was lucky. My seat was right in the middle of the hall.
This is the view from my seat.
The concert started with Ishikawa Yui (the voice actress who voiced Violet Evergarden) coming in to give the standard Violet Evergarden greeting: お初にお目にかかります。お客様がお望みなら、どこでも駆けつけます。自動手記人形サービス、ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンです。

This was followed by TRUE singing the OP of the TV anime, "Sincerely". Of course, the OP animation was played on the screen during the first part of the song.

Then, the orchestra played a medley which basically summarised Violet's journey in becoming an established Auto Memory Doll. The screen showed clips from episodes 1 to 4, then the OVA. From her recovery in the hospital, meeting the Evergarden family, then joining CH Postal Company. Followed by attending the school for Auto Memory Dolls, visiting Iris's hometown, and writing the song for Irma. Seeing Violet's journey again brought tears to my eyes. 😭

After that, TRUE came on stage again and performed the song "Letter" which was from the OVA. 😭

This was followed by Yuuki Aira performing the song "Believe in..." which was the ED for episode 9 of the TV anime series, with scenes from that episode. This part covered the portion when Violet learnt about Gilber's death as well as the consequences of her actions during the war. 😭

After that, another medley which talked about episodes 6, 7, and 10. Basically, Leon, Oscar, and Clara/Anne. Scenes from episode 10... 😭😭😭 Good thing it was an orchestra concert and crying so much didn't affect my enjoyment of the music.

The scenes then jumped to the Gaiden movie (officially  Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll) accompanied by the orchestra playing "Debutante Waltz", "Violet and Isabella", and "A Bond Between Sisters".

The first part of the concert concluded with Chihara Minori performing "Amy". 😭
During the interlude, Ishikawa Yui and composer Evan Call took to the stage. Evan Call talked about the composing of the music score for the TV series and two movies. For the TV series, most of the pieces were composed without a specific scene in mind. The production team then took those pieces and used them as appropriate within the series. But for the two movies, due to timing, every piece was composed with a particular scene in mind.
Evan Call also said that in the TV series, he used more woodwind and strings for the music, and in the movie, more brass to show that Violet has grown. I think this is probably because woodwind and strings give better harmony while brass can be more strong and provide stronger character. He again mentioned that recording for the music was done in Tokyo for the TV series, but he wanted more depth for the movies so recording for the music of the two movies was done in Germany. This is because, unlike the TV series where sound comes out of the TV and thus lacks depth anyway, the movies are meant to be enjoyed in the expanse of a theatre and thus needed more depth to be impactful.
The second part of the concert covered the events in Violet Evergarden The Movie. This started with the first piece called "The Legacy of Violet Evergarden" that was played after Daisy read the letters from Clara to Ann and the scene shifted to Leiden. This was followed by "On That Fateful Night" and "Another Voice Calls Out".

Then, Ishikawa Yui came on stage to say "忘れることは、できません". The orchestra then played "A Young Boy’s Hope", then "Beyond the Waves" and "After All These Years" with scenes of Violet traveling to Ekarte Island, then "The Hardships of Gilbert Bougainvillea", "Tears in the Rain", "A Young Boy’s Last Wish", and "Live on for Me" with scenes of Gilbert refusing to open the door for Violet. 😭

This was followed by "Violet's Final Letter", the piece which played during the scene when Gilbert read Violet's final letter to him. The letter was read out by Ishikawa Yui. 😭

After the final letter, just like in the movie, we had a performance of "みちしるべ" ("Michishirube") by TRUE. 😭 On the screen was the part when Gilbert ran to the coast to reunite with Violet. I mean, it was basically a reshowing of the movie, minus the voice acting.

Evan Call then came on stage to conduct "Echo Through Eternity" which was the piece that played during the ending fireworks (which was shown on the screen). This was another touching scene for me because it reminded me of KyoAni's journey after the arson attack. 😭 (I touched on this in this post.)

Evan Call then handed back the stage to the conductor Yoshida Gyochi (吉田行地), and the orchestra performed the piece which played during the final scene when Daisy visited Ekarte Island and wrote a letter to her parents.

And like in the movie, this was followed by the songs which played during the end credit roll. TRUE performed "WILL" first. When it ended, someone started clapping... sigh... but everyone who watched the movie knows that this song is followed by "未来の人へ" ("Mirai no hito e")... which was performed by TRUE too. Both were powerful performances. 😭
This concludes the part for the 2020 movie, but not the concert. Yuuki Aira came on stage and performed "Violet Snow". A way to end the concert by where it all started.
Ishikawa Yui then said again "お客様がお望みなら、どこでも駆けつけます。自動手記人形サービス、ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンです。" Just like how the TV series ended.
The concert may be over, but it can still be enjoyed online until August 29. Tickets for viewing the recording of the third performance can be purchased here and here. (English language site here.) I hope they release a DVD of this too... it needs to be enjoyed with eyes and ears. [Afternote: It is a matter of time before someone uploads the recording of the third performance to the Internet. Still, tickets are being sold until August 29, 2021, so I hope people can at least purchase a ticket before watching it on whatever other platform they can find it on.] [Afternote 2: KyoAni will be releasing a Blu-ray of the concert on January 19, 2022.]

I hope you enjoyed my quick recounting of the concert!

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie

Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

There is no light

I cannot pass,
There is no light.
I cannot pass,
No path in sight.
Left, right, front, back,
Dark, dark, dark, dark.
So stark.

If I step forward,
Will I fall off a cliff?
If I step backward,
Will there be a wall so stiff?
If I turn left,
Will I soar free?
If I turn right,
Will I be me?

Monday, August 09, 2021

Kamado Tanjiro No Uta 竈門炭治郎のうた by Nakagawa Nami 中川奈美

This song was played during episode 19 of Demon Slayer (鬼滅の刃). Personally, I think it was this song that brought attention to this anime series and helped launched the series to its current height. A song that encapsulated the entire struggle of the protagonist. A person who lost so much and whose future looked so bleak. Fighting impossible battles. Searching for a solution that may not exist. Yet he kept on. No matter how much is lost, there is nothing else to do except to live on and keep moving forward.
When you think you have lost all hope... listen to this song.

This is a video of the live rendition by singer Nakagawa Nami.

The lyrics of the song (source:
目を閉じて 思い出す
過ぎ去りし あの頃の
戻れない 帰れない
広がった 深い闇

戻れない 帰れない
広がった 深い闇

泣きたくなるような 優しい音
前へ 前へ 進め 絶望断ち

失っても 失っても 生きていくしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

失っても 失っても 生きていくしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

我に課す 一択の
運命と 覚悟する

泥を舐め 足掻いても
目に見えぬ 細い糸

泣きたくなるような 優しい音
前へ 前へ 向かえ 絶望断ち

傷ついても 傷ついても 立ち上がるしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

And here is the song performed by two singers from the JMSDF's band.

Happy 56th birthday Singapore

Today, Singapore celebrates its 56th National Day. 56 years since we became an independent nation.

Things are slightly different this year, with the National Day celebrations being postponed till 21 August due to COVID-19. But we have made it so far, we will overcome this too.

Happy birthday Singapore!

Saturday, August 07, 2021

Midway (2019)

(photo source: Wikipedia)
I know this is a bit late, since it is now 2021 and the film was released in 2019. Still, I finally managed to get down to watching Midway, which one would supposed is about the Battle of Midway. However, it covered a lot more than that, starting with events before World War Two and spending quite a bit of time on the attack of Pearl Harbor.

Having done a bit of research into the Battle of Midway during my academy days because I had to write a paper on it, I am very familiar with the events and I think the movie broadly was accurate in the key points. Of course, it is Hollywood, so the movie needed to add in some romantic elements, which I personally thought was irrelevant. Instead, that screen time could have been better spent on other events in the battle which were skipped over.

And while it looks dramatic to have many ships fill the screen and lots of flake up in the air with tracers all over the place... the truth is, ships did not sail in such close formation. It is simply not practical to be sailing in tight formation during battle because you end up in each other's way. Yes, this was the age of guns, not missiles, so a carrier's escort screen needed to be close to protect the carrier. But not too close; it is very hard for an escort to fire if missing an enemy aircraft could instead mean hitting a friendly ship.

Also, it could be still the age of guns, and you expect ships to be firing a lot of flake up in the air for air defence. But... it is not easy to load those 40mm shells. You just cannot put up a constant barrage of so many rounds up in the air at all times, because it is not physically possible. Even modern guns with RFMs would be hard pressed to maintain such a constant high rate of fire.

The part where a dive bomber flew all the way till almost the deck to drop its bomb in the red sun (painted more like a bull's eye) on the deck of a Japanese aircraft carrier was just plain drama. A WW2-era plane that tried to pull out from such a dive would probably disintegrate due to the G force.

In short, the aerial battle was more fiction and drama than real. In other types of movies, that may be fine, and maybe even good. But in a movie based on a historical event, a lack of realism and too much fiction/drama may hinder the movie's rewatch value. Yes, it is nice to watch the first time, but few would think of watching it again, since it is just about action and there is nothing else you can gain from it. Might as well go watch an Avengers movie or something else.

The 1976 Midway also had a romantic element to it. I guess I still prefer Tora! Tora! Tora! in terms of how it portrayed the historical event of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Violet Evergarden short stories: "Logbook entry" and "Diary entry" (unofficial translation)

This is an unofficial translation of the two short stories 『少佐日誌』花咲く月 快晴のち雨 and 『日記』晴れのち雨天 found in the official fanbook of Violet Evergarden the Movie (2020). These two short stories detail the same events, from different perspectives, and seem to take place after the short story "Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream" (ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢). I am sharing my translation so that fans who do not understand Japanese can read it.
『少佐日誌』 is Violet's logbook of the days with Gilbert; it literally means "Major Logbook" but I have decided to just shorten it to "Logbook" instead in the translation. Maybe I should call it "Logbook of my days with the Major"... 😂 『日記』 is the diary kept by Gilbert. Given that both are entries in their respective books, I have titled them "Logbook entry: Month of blooming flowers—Sunny followed by rain" and "Diary entry: Fair followed by rain". (Note to readers: In the light novels, Gilbert's lost arm was replaced by a prosthetic arm, while in the anime, his lost arm was not replaced.)
Note: The rights to the original work belong to the author Akatsuki Kana and Kyoto Animation. While this unofficial translation is being shared under fair use, I will remove it if it comes to my knowledge that this translation is being misused or if there is any infringement of the copyright owners' rights.

(You can find all my posts related to Violet Evergarden here, including my review of Violet Evergarden the Movie that debut in 2020 after watching it 14 times, my translation of the letter of appreciation from author Akatsuki Kana, my Tellsis language translator in Flutter and Python, my thoughts about the portrayal of guilt in Violet Evergarden, summary of production crew events, etc.)
Logbook entry
Month of blooming flowers—Sunny followed by rain
by Akatsuki Kana
『少佐日誌』花咲く月 快晴のち雨
暁 佳奈
The Major woke up at the same time again this morning.

Unlike his usual self, he ate sweet fruits for breakfast. When he replenishes blood sugar, it is usually because he is slightly fatigued. I asked if there was anything I could do to help him recover. He patted my head gently, then gave me a hug. He said, “This is fine.” Nothing was solved; instead, it brightened my day.

During the day, I accompanied the Major to buy some things.

While outside, I saw a stray dog sleeping in the sun. It was a few months old, and its mother was not in sight. The Major stroked the dog and said he has seen it several times. On the way back, we saw the dog again. The Major again stroked the dog. The dog also looked friendly with the Major. I think the dog has good judgment. I registered it as a subject for protection. After playing with the dog, we returned home.
I suggested we take in the dog. The Major said, “I don’t want to lightly take responsibility over a life. Also, we just started to have time to ourselves. Right now, I just want to give all my love to you.” My heart thumped loudly as it beat irregularly. I was worried if there was a defect with my body.

In the evening, it rained.

It had smelled of rain, so I had already taken in the laundry and nothing got wet. While making dinner, the weather got worse. The Major went outside and started to reinforce the windows with wooden boards. I have dug trenches before, but never reinforced a house. I suggested giving him a hand even though I was not good at it, but he told me to watch the pot instead. He finished reinforcing the house while I was cooking. He is really skilled. When I asked him where he learnt this skill, he said it was during his time at the Army academy with President Hodgins. During dinner, the Major liked the soup and had two refills. He even praised me. I hope to make this soup for him again.
After dinner, the two of us sat on the bench reading. The sound of the rain pounding on the house grew louder. In my head was the stray dog. The Major seemed to be having the same thoughts, and several times, we looked out together from between the gaps of the window. The Major said hesitantly, “Violet, can you stay at home? I am thinking of going out to look for that puppy.” I shook my head and said I would accompany him. He tried to persuade me, but I refused his request for me to stay at home. The servant must follow the master’s orders, but it is another matter if the master’s life may be at risk. In the end, we went out together on the condition from the Major that I wear a foul weather suit.

Once we were outside, the rain was actually not as bad as we thought, and we could proceed. For a while, we searched for the stray dog. While searching, the Major called out, “Claudia...” Claudia. Claudia Hodgins. The name of President Hodgins. With joy, I looked around for him, but he was nowhere in sight. The Major continued to call out that name into the emptiness. He looked tired, so could it be an apparition? Or maybe he missed President Hodgins too much? If this was the battlefield, there was a high chance it was an apparition, but we were actually near the house. It was a bewildering situation.
A servant needs to understand the meaning behind the master’s actions and provide the maximum support. I asked him why he was calling out President Hodgins’ name. He looked a bit shy as he confessed that he named the stray dog “Claudia.” He did say he has seen the dog several times before. Naming the dog after his best friend is proof of the Major’s love. I was impressed and promised to find the dog.
The Major and I searched for the dog, calling out “Claudia!” for about an hour. We found the stray dog—no, Claudia—crouched at the base of a large tree. We immediately took it in and brought it home.

Claudia is now dry and being stroked by the Major. This is the end of the log entry for today.

Diary entry
Fair followed by rain
by Akatsuki Kana
暁 佳奈
The day started with a lack of sleep as I was up late last night reading a novel. My eyes feel painful. Violet once wrote on behalf of an author, so I thought I would order his book. It was more interesting that I expected, and I am looking forward to his next work.
We were supposed to go grocery shopping together today, so we went out around noon. On the way, I found Claudia. Without thinking, I patted it like I always do. I forgot Violet was around. It made me a bit embarrassed for her to see me being drawn like that to a puppy. I may not be a perfect person, but I try to appear as a cool adult in front of the person I love.
I asked her if she want to try petting the puppy, but she said she felt bad for it as both her arms are prosthetics. Her words pained my heart. I have a prosthetic arm too, but the other arm is flesh and blood, and can feel pain and warmth. To ease the pain in my heart, I held her hand as we walked to town.
We bought apples as an indulgence. Violet offered to make a pie, which filled my heart with expectations. I am not able to make confection. On the way back, we saw Claudia again. “Does it eat dried meat?” On Violet’s suggestion, we fed it some. Violet said that it is not wary like a military dog and fed it while worrying if it can survive like this. This was so like Violet.

The clouds started to look worrying in the evening. The wind was strong too. I took precaution and reinforced the windows. A warm meal was there when I was done. It is in such times that I feel I am not alone. The soup was delicious. I hope she will make it again.
After dinner, I continued to read Oscar’s book. He writes for both adults and children, but I prefer his works for adults. It made me proud to know that Violet helped in the work of someone with such talent. Without thinking, I stroked Violet’s head gently while reading the book. She has grown up into a beautiful and splendid woman worthy of her name. Maybe it was due to my habit of expressing love by patting her head, but recently, whenever I reached out, she would bring her head closer toward me. This really got me. She is so cute.

The weather continued to worsen. Thoughts of Claudia came into my mind. Will a puppy be able to endure this? Violet was also looking outside. “Will that stray dog survive through today?” This made me even more worried. In the end, I decided to go take a look. I wanted Violet to stay at home, but she still came along. I wanted to cover my mouth when I let slip the word “Claudia” in my haste at not finding the puppy, but Violet said with a serious face that she would definitely find it. A while later, when we found the puppy safe, I gave a sigh of relief.
I will try to find someone to take care of Claudia. If not, we will raise it ourselves. I think Violet will be fine with this. Of course, we will need to change its name if someone else takes it in. I also feel bad for Hodgins. No, he will probably say with joy, “You really like me.” This doesn’t feel right too.

Oh, let me write it down in case I forget. It is about time to get some summer dresses made for Violet. As a young woman, she will look beautiful in anything. When summer comes, maybe we can go someplace further away. The flowers will probably be blooming in Drossel. She said she wanted to show them to me. When autumn comes, we shall go to Roswell. I heard the autumn leaves look wonderful. I also hope to be able to visit the stargazing town someday too.

Having written till here, I took a look to see what Violet was doing, and to my surprise, she was stroking Claudia and looked really engrossed. I am a bit jealous. Let me put down my pen and kiss her goodnight. She is mine.

This is a list of Violet Evergarden short stories that have been written by author Akatsuki Kana, with links to fan translations (when available). I hope you enjoyed these two short stories as much as I did.

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie.

Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden

List of Violet Evergarden short stories (and light novels)

This is a list of Violet Evergarden light novels and various booklets of short stories. For a list of publications from Kyoto Animation related to the Violet Evergarden series (excluding the ones listed here), please see this post.
Violet Evergarden consists of four light novel volumes, which are:
- ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 上巻 (Violet Evergarden Volume 1)
- ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 下巻 (Violet Evergarden Volume 2)
- ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 (Violet Evergarden: Side Stories)
- ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン エバー・アフター (Violet Evergarden: Ever After)

According to Wikipedia, there are also short stories related to Violet Evergarden that have been written by author Akatsuki Kana, in addition to the four light novel volumes. (For a list of other official Violet Evergarden publications, please see this post.)

Booklets given out as gifts during the screening of Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll (ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン 外伝 - 永遠と自動手記人形):
- アン・マグノリアと十九歳の誕生日 (Ann Magnolia and Her Nineteenth Birthday)
- リオン・ステファノティスと一番星 (Leon Stephanotis and the First Star)
- シャルロッテ・エーベルフレイヤ・フリューゲルと森の王国 (Charlotte Abelfreya Fluegel and the Forest Kingdom)
- イザベラ・ヨークと花の雨 (Isabella York and the Rain of Flowers)

Short story included with the DVD/Blu-ray of Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll:
- エイミー・バートレットと春の木漏れ日 (Amy Bartlett and the Sun Rays of Spring)
Short story in anthology KA Esuma Compilation (KAエスマ短編集) that was given to readers who collected the five light novel titles published by Kyoto Animation in 2020:
- 仕立て屋と自動手記人形 (The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll)

Short story posted on Violet Evergarden official website for a limited time (December 18, 2020 to March 19, 2021):
- 王妃と自動手記人形 (The Queen and the Auto-Memories Doll)
Booklets given out as gifts during the screening of Violet Evergarden The Movie (劇場版 ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデ):
- ベネディクト・ブルーの菫 (Benedict Blue’s Violet)
- オスカーの小さな天使 (Oscar’s Little Angel)
- ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンIf (Violet Evergarden If)
- ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢 (Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream)

Two short articles in the official fanbook of Violet Evergarden The Movie:
- 『少佐日誌』花咲く月 快晴のち雨 (Logbook entry: Month of blooming flowers—Sunny followed by rain)
- 『日記』晴れのち雨天 (Diary entry: Fair followed by rain)

Two more stories included in the compendium Violet Evergarden's Last Letter (ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン ~ラスト・レター~) (the compendium brings together the eight short stories given out as booklets for the movies together with the one that was included in the DVD/Blu-ray of Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll):
- ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf (Diethard Bougainvillea If)
- 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり (The Starry Night and the Lonely Two)
The links above in English are to fan translations of the respective stories. I just thought I would put all of them in one place so that it is easier for fans to locate the translations. I will update this post as and when the remaining untranslated stories get translated. There may also be an addition to the list of short stories when the DVD/Blu-ray for Violet Evergarden The Movie is released in October 2021.

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie
Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形) 
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.