Saturday, September 21, 2024

59th Kanagawa Art Exhibition 2024 第59回神奈川県美術展

I submitted a piece for the 59th Kanagawa Art Exhibition 2024 (第59回神奈川県美術展) but it was not selected. Well, I wasn't really disappointed because it was quite a last minute decision to submit that piece and I didn't really prepare much for it. Still, I thought it would be a good idea to go take a look at the pieces that did get selected, so that I can prepare for my next submission to this exhibition.
The exhibition is being held at Kanagawa Kenmin Hall. I parked Vivi at Kanagawa Arts Theater and took a short walk over to the hall. The exhibition itself is very small in scale, with calligraphy works taking up two exhibition rooms (each divided into three sections; a third, smaller room was also used to display works by high school students).
I arrived in time for a commentary by some of the judges on the selection panel: 船本芳雲, 三原彩鈴, and 生駒蘭嵩. They spoke about the pieces that were given awards. Some of the award recipients were also present and they were also asked to say a few words about their works.

I kind of have a better idea of how to create pieces for submissions to exhibitions now, having visited three exhibitions over the course of three months. My next submission will be for the exhibition by the calligraphy society that I belong to, followed by two other exhibitions. Back to preparations!

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