Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ending the Year of the Rat with Violet Evergarden the Movie (12th viewing)

Today is Chinese New Year Eve, the last day of the Year of the Rat. So I thought, how about closing the year with Violet Evergarden the Movie?

The local Dolby Cinema is the only cinema in the entire prefecture now still airing the movie, but when I booked the tickets, the cinema was less than half full. I would say, probably a third? However, when I reached the cinema and went in, the place was almost full. Wow! There were even people sitting in the first few rows, which must be quite an experience since it is a Dolby Cinema.

They are still holding out gifts for viewers. No more postcards, only the file this time.

This is the 12th time I am watching the movie, so most of my thoughts have already been captured in past posts (linked at the end of this post). This time, I want to touch on the final part of the movie, where Hodgins and his staff were watching the fireworks. There was a part when Hodgins turned to his left looking for Violet, only to realize that she wasn't there. It is like Director Ishidate looking to find the person next to him, only to realize that he or she is no longer around (due to the arson at KyoAni). Benedict comes along to tease Hodgins, a reminder for him to move on, just like it is a reminder for the people left at KyoAni to move on.

The opening and closing reminded me of the fire too. The opening showed a poorly lit path as the camera panned forward. After the fire, things looked bleak for KyoAni. The road ahead could not be see. But the move ended with that same path, only this time, Violet was walking along that path, one step at a time. Just like KyoAni, moving forward into the future even though what lies beyond cannot be seen. When I linked this scene to the fire and situation at KyoAni, it brought tears to my eyes. Which must have felt weird for the person sitting beside me, since this is not a "touching" scene. And as usual, the credits brought tears again, since those who lost their lives were listed in the credits.

I wonder how long more will the movie be airing at the Dolby Cinema? Given the turnout today, it seems to be still drawing quite a crowd, so maybe it will be around for a while.

My overall thoughts on Violet Evergarden The Movie.

Translations of short stories:
Gilbert Bougainvillea and the Fleeting Dream (unofficial translation of "ギルベルト・ブーゲンビリアと儚い夢")
The Starry Night and the Lonely Two (unofficial translation of 星降りの夜とさみしいふたり)
Diethard Bougainvillea's If (unofficial translation of ディートフリート・ブーゲンビリアIf) 
The Tailor and the Auto-Memories Doll (unofficial translation of 仕立て屋と自動手記人形)
Tellsis (Nunkish) translation:
Last line of Violet's final letter to Gilbert
Insights on the movie:
Audio commentary notes:

All posts related to Violet Evergarden.
Update 23 Feb 2021: Still can't beat the person who has watched the movie 74 times in 23 weeks.
Update 3 March 2021: Still can't beat the person who has watched the movie 75 times in 24 weeks. Also, it seems the nearby Dolby Cinema will only be showing the movie till 7 March 2021.

Update 24 April 2021: The champion... 83 times in 32 weeks.

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