Monday, June 14, 2021

Violet Evergarden The Movie coming back to Yokohama

Nine months after being released, Violet Evergarden The Movie is only showing in Chiba Prefecture now, at least for the Kanto region.

But but but!!!

It will be coming back to Yokohama in July! From July 17 to 23, the movie is scheduled to air at Jack and Betty, a small cinema in Yokohama. It is a bit out of the way... but I will see if I can make my way there. Especially since the DVD/Blu-ray release has been delayed until October 13, 2021. The official statement from KyoAni is that the production schedule has been affected by the declaration of a state of emergency in several prefectures due to COVID-19. Plus an unexpectedly high number of orders.

One more month to go! 😍

Update July 15, 2021: I got my ticket for a show on the weekend!
Update July 22, 2021: I got my ticket for a show tomorrow, the last day it will be showing in Yokohama!

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