Thursday, December 20, 2007


What causes impatience? Why is it that some people cannot wait for results? Why are some people always rushing to make sure things get done?

I think it has to do with confidence. Self-confidence. When you have self-confidence, you are sure about the outcome, and you are able to wait for the results to happen. But when you are not sure of yourself, not sure of your own abilities, that is when you worry if you have done enough, and therefore grow impatient while waiting for the results.

And so those people unsure of themselves will always be in a rush doing things, trying to do more so that they don't fail. They think that the more they do, the less chance they have of failing.

Sometimes, it is not how much you do, but how well you do it.

My advice to those who rush? Take your time, learn patience. Your impatience only shows your lack of self-confidence.

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