Saturday, December 15, 2007

7 random facts

Well, I have been tagged by wujimon, so guess I shall write something about myself, even though I have been writing about myself all along in this blog!

1. I originally started out with only one blog (this one), but ever since I decided to write about fishing and taiji, I decided to separate them into separate blogs so as to keep the themes of my blogs focused. Okay, at least the themes for the taiji and fishing blogs are focused... this blog is for my random thoughts.

2. I used to love eating fish, until I was about 3 years old... since then, I HATED eating fish. But ever since I met my wife, she has been slowly getting me to eat fish, and I have started to eat a bit again... My mum cannot believe it when I told her I am picking up fishing, since I hated fish and would not go anywhere near them in the past.

3. I speak Japanese relatively well, and have gotten JLPT 1, because I lived in Japan for a few years. That was also when I picked up Japanese calligraphy and iaido.

4. I started out with learning wushu (Chinese martial arts) in 1995, switched to taiji in 1996 (learning Chen style taiji), but stopped after a year and it was only in 2005 when I found my current teacher and started picking up taiji again.

5. I love old DOS games, which is why I keep blogging about them. I played Dune 2 on my computer for hours on end, until the monitor burnt out.

6. I like programming, and used to write simple programs just to pass time. Besides using programming languages like C, Java and Basic, I also did scripting in Perl, and also written MUD programs for Forgotten Kingdoms MUD.

7. I support open source, and started using Linux back in 2000, when I got a new laptop and tried installing Debian Linux on it. I then switched to TurboLinux, which had better support for Japanese (I was in Japan then), and subsequently switched to Fedora.

Now for tagging... who to tag?

I don't really have people to tag, and don't like chain mails and such, but just this once, I will tag someone.

Emanrohe, please write 7 random things about yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Dude.. that's hilarious that you took up fishing but hate fish!
