Saturday, December 22, 2007

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

The original show, National Treasure, is about a hidden treasure with clues leading to clues leading to clues. The sequel to it, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, follows a similar concept, yet, somehow, I keep feeling that the first movie was better.

Why is that? I had thought that there would be a look more puzzles and riddles to solve before they find the treasure in the sequel, yet I was wrong. There wasn't much problem solving, instead, time was spent on a meaningless car chase, and the eventual dungeon crawl inside Mount Rushmore.

If you like puzzle-solving movies, you would be better off watching the first movie, National Treasure, or try The Da Vinci Code (don't think too much about the religious implications).

Official site for National Treasure: Book of Secrets
National Treasure (first movie) at Internet Movie Database

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