Saturday, December 07, 2024

Visiting calligraphy exhibitions

When I went to see my piece exhibited at the 80th Onchikai Shodo Exhibition 第80回温知会書道展 at Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (東京都美術館), I saw that there were three other calligraphy exhibitions taking up four halls in total at the same place. So I went to see the works by other calligraphy practitioners from other calligraphy societies as a way of learning and gaining inspiration.
The 59th Shoshin Exhibition 第59回書心展 by Nihon Shodo Kenkyukai 日本書道研究会 took up two halls at the museum. What surprised me was that the pieces were really really big, being about 3 metres tall and about 70cm wide.

The 24th Lanting Calligraphy Exchange Tokyo Exhibition 第24回蘭亭書法交流東京展 by Nihon Ranteikai 日本蘭亭会 (Japan Lanting Society) took up one hall. This exhibition also includes works by calligraphers from China.

The 70th Toyo Calligraphy Art Exhibition 第70回東洋書芸展 by Toyo Calligraphy Art Association 東洋書道芸術学館 took up one hall too. It is interesting as there are also works that use older calligraphy scripts to create something more picture-like.

I took quite a number of photos and hopefully will have time to look through them for better inspiration and learning.

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