Saturday, December 07, 2024

80th Onchikai Shodo Exhibition 第80回温知会書道展

I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum (東京都美術館) today to see my calligraphy piece on exhibition at the 80th Onchikai Shodo Exhibition 第80回温知会書道展.
The exhibition took up 2 halls out of the available 12 at the museum, of which 1.5 halls were works by standing members (instructors and above) while half of the remaining hall was used to exhibit winning submissions from general members of the calligraphy society.

A thing I noticed is that there were more works in hansetsu 半切 size this year. This was the size that I used in my submission last year, and it ended up looking kind of small among the other pieces, mostly 2x6 feet and some 2x8 feet. Which was why I decided to use 2x6 feet paper for this year's piece.
This is the piece that I submitted this year. 河海不择细流故能就其深

It was nice going to see the works by other calligraphy practitioners, especially since I am still wondering what to write for next year's round of exhibitions. Hopefully, I can decide on what to write soon, since I need quite some time to practise.

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