Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 2024 calligraphy "homework"

The calligraphy society that I belong to has "homework" that members can submit each month. The pieces submitted are then graded, and selected pieces are published each month in the monthly magazine.

I call it homework, but it is actually just a set of characters that members can use for practice each month. These characters are determined on a monthly basis to make it easier for grading and selection purposes. There are also many categories, such as kanji and kana on 半紙 hanshi paper, rinsho (aka copy works of past masters) on hanshi paper, kanji and kana on 半切 hansetsu paper, and single character works (on 1/4 hansetsu paper).

In the past, I diligently submitted kanji and kana hanshi pieces each month when my teacher was still actively teaching. But she has retired, and I am on my own and have to do the submissions on my own. So I have not been submitting anything except for the annual gradings, and the exhibition since I earned my qualification as an instructor. But I thought I should start learning how to do the monthly submissions on my own, and so I took a look at the "homework" for July, and saw that the "homework" for single character work was to write the character 鎮.

This was the piece I submitted.
But I also had other pieces which I felt were quite okay.

I also wrote the same character on hanshi paper too.

This one was a bit too "playful" so I decided not to use this style for submissions.

I also submitted the kanji hanshi "homework".
I think I will try to submit something each month, and post the submissions here as a way of keeping a record.

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