Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fifth anniversary of Kyoto Animation attack

It has been five years since the arson attack on Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) 1st Studio, which resulted in 36 fatalities and 32 injured.

A monument in memory of the victims was recently unveiled at the Historical Park of Tea and Uji Town (お茶と宇治のまち歴史公園) in Uji City (Kyoto Prefecture) where Kyoto Animation is based. In view of this, there will not be any online streaming of a video in memory of the victims this year.

Fans can visit the monument at the park anytime, but are asked not to leave any flowers or other such tokens. For fans of Hibike! Euphonium, the park is actually near Kumiko's bench. It is further up the river, on the opposite bank.

Slightly after 10:30 a.m. today, a memorial service was held at the site of the former 1st Studio, attended by 144 people, including employees and affiliates of Kyoto Animation as well as families of the victims.

It was mentioned that the plan is to build an office at the site of the former 1st Studio, and there will also be a private monument in memory of the victims there.
List of 36 victims who appeared in credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie (I updated the list with the name of the 36th victim today)

English news:

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