Friday, June 11, 2021

Taking delivery of the Honda Giorno 50cc scooter

After registering the scooter... it finally arrived today!

The Honda Giorno 50cc scooter, in puco blue. It arrive this morning on a truck, but I didn't have the chance to try riding it during the day because I needed to go out for something.

In the end, after coming back at night... I decided to try riding it. It was dark outside, but there was no traffic at all. I thought of going to the nearby convenience store, but decided it was best to practise a bit in the neighbourhood first (where traffic is light) before heading onto busier roads.

And promptly went onto the curb as I was trying to make a right turn. No injury, but the shoes got really muddy. I survived without a scratch, but not the scooter... 😭
It is still dark outside so I couldn't really see the extent of the damage except what the photos taken with my phone captured. Guess I will wait till light tomorrow morning to cry more. 😢😥😭

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