Monday, June 07, 2021

Registering a 50cc scooter in Yokohama, Japan

I went to register my 50cc scooter today as it will be arriving on Friday. The process is actually very easy.

To register a purchased scooter, you need proof of sales. On the form to register the scooter (called the "軽自動車税(種別割)申告(報告)書兼標識交付申請書"), there is a section on proof of sales. The store will fill in this section with the details of the store and affix its official seal. Also, the store will provide you with the serial number of the scooter and other details like model, year, and engine displacement. You will need to fill in the rest of the form with the name and address of the owner. Then the name and address of the user, and the name and address of the applicant. If the latter two are the same as the owner, you can just write "同上" which means "same as above".

Then, for type of possession "所有形態", it is usually "1. 自己所有" if you are using the scooter for personal use.

The main parking place "主たる定置場" is usually option 1 if you are parking it at the same place as your home address. However, if you are parking it somewhere else (like a rented parking lot, or your workplace), you need to fill in option 2 with the address, and also have some form of proof that you are allowed to park there. This is usually the lease/rental agreement if you have rented a place/lot for parking, or some form of employee pass if you put it as your workplace.

Then, bring the form to the local ward office of the main parking place. This is your local ward office if you chose option 1, but can be another place if you chose option 2. The department in charge is the tax section (税務課). Bring the form there, submit the form to the tax section (you may need to take a queue number), then wait for around 10 to 15 minutes. After which they will call your name, and pass you a certificate of registration together with the number plate for the scooter and even the screws to affix the number plate.

If you fill in the form beforehand, it is a very fast process. I myself was amazed at how little time was taken to register the scooter.

Now to wait for the scooter to arrive... 😅

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