Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Violet Evergarden the Movie: Blu-ray/DVD announced

Just a quick post because I am so excited! KyoAni just announced that the Blu-ray and DVD for Violet Evergarden the Movie will be released on August 4, 2021. The Blu-ray will come in two versions: a normal one, and a UHD one which has the Dolby Vision® & Dolby Atmos® version that was shown in Dolby Cinemas.

Here is the official page.
It will come with its special case, all-colour booklet, two letters from Violet Evergarden (in Tellsis and Japanese), a set of storyboard drafts by Director Ishidate, the illustrations used on the four booklets handed out, and a card printed with the movie's poster.

Also, depending on the retailer you choose, there will be some other promotional items.

Here is the Twitter post.

I can't wait!
Update: The release of the DVD and Blu-ray has been delayed till October 13, 2021, due to overwhelming orders plus the issues with production under the state of emergency (because of COVID-19).

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