Thursday, April 08, 2021

AI development and what it means for our future: Prologue

Originally, I had wanted to write about the implications that AI development has on the future of humankind, specifically in the areas of self-driving cars and language learning. For example, the development in machine translation has led to something like this.

But after giving it some thought, a single article is unlikely to capture the entire scope of implications. I myself don't think, as a single person, I can cover that entire scope, but the ideas I have already seem to overflow beyond a single article. So I am going to take more time to consolidate my thoughts, and spend more time on each idea by having each post cover only one idea.

Personally, I have no idea how long this series will last, but I am going to tag all posts in the series with "AI and the future" and we shall see how it goes.

Update 18 July 2022: An article on AI development and its implications

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