Sunday, September 20, 2020

The end of SAO Alicization arc

With episode 23, the Alicization arc of Sword Art Online (which spanned 4 cours; 2 under Alicization, 2 under War of Underworld) has come to an end. Alice has entered the real world, and they have even found a way back into the Underworld. Any future series that picks up from this point in the story will have to deal with the waifu wars between Asuna and Alice; that will be something to watch. Like Suguha's reaction when Alice called Kirito's father (actually, uncle) "Father" like she was the daughter-in-law. Episode 23 also had quite a few scenes where Kirito was alone with Alice for some personal moments.

Actually, I am quite glad I actually watched this series, because it deals with the topic of integrating AI into human society. Such a future may not be too far off. We will eventually be able to create computers with processing power and memory storage that can mimic the human brain. It is a matter of time before we develop something like the Fluctlight. When we do, we will have to face the question: is sentient AI the same as sentient human intelligence? In a book I am reading (which is more about the development of societies), this issue about AI actually came up. It won't be long before we need to confront this question. Plus all the other questions that technological development brings. I only hope we have the "right" answers.

Anyway, back to SAO. An anime series on the waifu wars between Asuna and Alice seems to be much further in the future. Because right after episode 23 ended, this trailer came out.

Seems like the next SAO series will be Sword Art Online Progressive. Which means back to Aincrad, back to Kirito and Asuna (Alice hasn't been invented yet). And 100 levels of fighting... if each level is an episode, we are looking at 4 cours. Looks like A-1 and Kawahara Reki are really milking this cash cow. Personally, I am more inclined to see more of Alice. Call me when that happens.

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