Monday, September 21, 2020

Love Me, Love Me Not (思い、思われ、ふり、ふられ) anime and live-action adaptations

There are many light novels and manga series that have been given both anime and live-action adaptations. Like I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい), which I wrote about here. To me, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas was an example of something done right in both the anime and live-action adaptations. Both movies were great. So when the lead actor and actress of the live-action adaptation of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas starred in the live-action adaptation of Love Me, Love Me Not (思い、思われ、ふり、ふられ), which was also due to have an anime adaptation, I decided to watch both to compare if they were as good as each other.

I have not read the original manga series, so I can't really say much about which is a more faithful adaptation of the story. Both adaptations followed the same setting: a pair of siblings who are not related by blood (their parents remarried each other), and a pair of neighbours/childhood friends. Somehow, the story of the anime adaptation reached out to me more. The live-action adaptation was kind of slow and the story just kind of lacked that moving, emotional touch to it. I guess having a central plot is not enough; a story must still be captivating in its details.

Anyway, I won't recommend watching the live-action adaptation unless you are a fan of Hamabe Minami (or Akaso Eiji, Fukumoto Riko, or Kitamura Takumi). As for the anime adaptation, I would say watch it if you have time and nothing else to do.

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