Ramblings of an ex-computer geek... Games from the late 80s and 90s... Linux and open source software...
Sunday, August 30, 2020
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (君の膵臓をたべたい) live action and anime adaptations
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Convert .ts file to MP4 (also MP4 to MP3)
ffmpeg -i input -map 0 -c copy output.mp4
This will re-encode the video to H.264 and stream copy the audio:
ffmpeg -i input.ts -c:v libx264 -c:a copy output.mp4
This example will re-encode video to H.264 and audio to AAC:
ffmpeg -i input.ts -c:v libx264 -c:a aac output.mp4
Lossless H.264 conversion (lossless files will be huge):
ffmpeg -i input.ts -c:v libx264 -crf 0 -c:a copy output.mp4
Source: Ubuntu – How to convert .ts file into a mainstream format losslessly
for f in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c:a libmp3lame "outputs/${f%.mp4}.mp3"; done
Installing Jellyfin on Raspberry Pi 4
Friday, August 28, 2020
Reports and how our agenda skews them
Saturday, August 22, 2020
That uncertain feeling about love confession to a close friend
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The saving message of A Silent Voice
A Silent Voice (聲の形, Koe no Katachi and also translated as The Shape of Voice) is a KyoAni movie by director Yamada Naoko. Touching on themes of bullying, disabilities, depression and suicide, it is a movie with a message about the challenges of life and how suicide is not the way out.
As someone who suffers from bouts of depression and not foreign to the idea of suicide, this movie keeps reminding me that while ending one's own life is a way to escape from problems, it does not solve them. When a person ends his or her own life, there are others who are left behind that have to deal with that fact. No matter how much we feel we are bringing unhappiness to the people around us, and how those around us would be happier if we are not around... we won't be around to deal with whatever impact our suicide causes.
Suicide is the easy way out for me, but it leaves my problems for others to solve. For those who are dealing with depression and the idea of suicide, I strongly suggesting watching this movie from time to time. Just to serve as a reminder that suicide is not the solution to our problems.
It is amazing how anime is able to deal with this serious topic. Many people who do not watch anime think of anime as cartoon targeting kids, but unlike Western comics and cartoons, Japan's manga and anime cover a broad range of genres and topics targeting different audiences, most of whom are adults. It also means they usually deal with topics which are much more serious, like bullying, depression, exploitative work conditions, sex abuse and many other themes which cartoons and comics rarely touch on. Anime and manga are the medium; it is the underlying theme, the message of each story, that deserves our attention. We should not be distracted by the medium and allow our misconceptions to hinder us from engaging in these stories and themes.
Here is a good analysis about the movie found on YouTube.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
NTFS... for external drives only
Monday, August 17, 2020
Just Because!
Written by Kamoshida Hajime (who also wrote The Pet Girl of Sakurasou, another anime that I like), the story of Just Because! is appealing for its theme of love and growing up.
But... the animation is not the best that I have seen. I mean, if I were to be critical, the animation seems shoddy at times, and I am sure there are parts of the background where actual photographs were used instead of being drawn. The facial expressions are lacking at times. Stills are used quite often. However, given the harsh reality in the anime industry (watch Shirobako), I think we can all understand how tough it can be to deliver something to viewers while keeping to the deadlines and within budget. Yet a part of me still thinks the story deserves much better animation.
I guess a good story can save bad animation. The reverse, though, is usually not true. Great animation rarely saves a bad story. And to remind myself about this point (that a good story can save bad animation), I am writing this post. Nothing more, nothing less.
To the weary wayfarer
Whisper in my ear;
Respite and nepenthe bringing,
Can the goal be near?
Laden with the dew of vespers,
From the fragrant sky,
In my ear the wind that whispers
Seems to make reply --
"Question not, but live and labour
Till yon goal be won,
Helping every feeble neighbour,
Seeking help from none;
Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone,
KINDNESS in another's trouble,
COURAGE in your own."
Courage, comrades, this is certain,
All is for the best --
There are lights behind the curtain --
Gentiles, let us rest.
As the smoke-rack veers to seaward,
From "the ancient clay",
With its moral drifting leeward,
Ends the wanderer's lay.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
1984, 1984 (2020 parody), and fees for use of online platforms
In 1984, Apple came up with this ad to promote its new Macintosh, which sought to break the market share that IBM had at that time. Drawing from the authoritarian world portrayed in 1984, it expressed a strong message that Apple was going to take on "Big Brother" IBM.
Fast forward to 2020, and Apple now has a significant share of the IT market with its various products and software for these products available through its App Store. So when it removed the popular game Fortnite from its App Store because the developers offered a way to bypass the 30% fee charged for using the platform, the developer of Fortnite hit back at this move with its parody of the same ad. Only this time, Big Brother is not IBM but Apple.
I don't use Apple products, but I do think that it is only fair for Apple to charge developers a certain fee for distributing products on its App Store, if the developers are making money from those software. However, it is the amount charged that can be an issue for debate. How much is fair, and how much becomes overboard? For example, PayPal charges a small fee for providing its payment platform. This does reduce my income from translation work when payments are made via PayPal. But there are few alternative platforms, and the fee charged is small enough to still be acceptable. For example, if PayPal were to charge a 30% fee for transactions, I don't think people will be using PayPal anymore.
How much is too much? I think the providers of online platforms deserved to be paid for the service they offer. And it must remain profitable but it cannot become exploitative. A 1% fee is a token sum that would be great for users but may not be profitable to providers. A 5% fee sounds like the normal rate. If the platform offers a unique service, people may even be willing to pay up to a 10% fee. Anything beyond that would be highly subjective. We all want to make profits, but making profits by exploiting the weak is akin to a form of modern slavery.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Five years already
Five years already. Time flies.
I need to move forward. But first, I need to be clear about where to go.