Sunday, August 02, 2020

Tsuki ga Kirei 月がきれい

Ah... the moon is beautiful, isn't it.

Actually, there is no documented source that proofs that Natsume Soseki actually translated "I love you" as "月が綺麗ですね" (tsuki ga kirei desu ne, lit. the moon is beautiful, isn't it). But it kind of got passed down much like an urban myth, and made it into this original anime series Tsuki ga Kirei 月がきれい.

As a hopeless romantic, love stories like this with a happy ending are right up my alley. It is no wonder that I was immediately hooked on this "first love" story between two shy 15-year-olds in their last year at junior high school moving onto high school. I am a very shy person myself; it is very hard for me to talk to people face to face, and I am really thankful to have emails and instant messaging. So I can totally understand the feelings of the two protagonists as they struggled with their shy nature, the uncertainty of first love, teenage years when classmates poke fun at everything, and worries about the future.

Ah, to be able to have someone to say "the moon is beautiful, isn't it" to... 😍 How I wish I was young again...

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