Thursday, August 06, 2020

75th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. I woke up with tears in my eyes as the morning news program showed a reporter in black suit and tie (the formal attire for attending a funeral in Japan) reporting live from Hiroshima.

Most of the survivors have since passed into the next world, and the remaining survivors are well into their late 70s and older. It won't be long before none of them are no longer around to share their experiences.

9 years ago, we happened to arrive at Hiroshima on the 66th anniversary of the atomic bombing. It was unintentional; working around my leave plan, our arrival date in Hiroshima just happened to be August 6. We were greeted with a city bustling with activity, with events all over the city commemorating the anniversary. I still remember that day vividly.

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