Thursday, June 18, 2020

Emotional low and one's best work

The best work is created when one is at an emotional low.

It is only at an emotional low can a person fully express all emotions. And it is emotions that give life to a work.

When we are at an emotional high, we are too happy to remember the sad times, the angry times, the sour times. We can create works of emotional high, but such works usually lack emotional richness because they only portray a single aspect of human emotion.

When we are angry or sour, that emotion usually clouds everything else out of our minds. Anything created in such times would be a disaster.

But when we are in an emotional low, that is when we are desperately trying to find happiness. That is when we remember all other emotions even as we are experiencing the current one.

It is when we are the most rich in emotions, even when we may not have anything else.

When life has turned away.
When friends have turned away.
When even the gods have turned away.
Standing alone, looking at everyone's back.
That is when we are truly alone.
And truly ourselves.

And that is when our works will truly reflect who we are. In all its richness. In all its colors and flavors and depth that make us who we are.

Those works that we create out of necessity. A necessity born from the need to recognize who we are when everyone has turned away. A necessity to keep us alive because no one else will do it for us.

I am me.
Who are you?

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