Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A director and a screenwriter

I am... well... somewhat an anime fan. It started with Shinkai Makoto's Your Name. Of course, I did watch the occasional Studio Ghibli films before that, but it was really with Your Name. that I started to seriously consider anime as something to watch.

I still think Miyazaki Hayao is great, and Shinkai Makoto is up there with him. Hosoda Mamoru (Wolf Children) is a great director too. But today, I want to write about two others in the anime industry. Two whom I would love to see a collaboration.

Okada Mari is a familiar name to those who watch anime, she was the one who gave us Anohana. While she has tried directing, it is her story-writing that captivates me.

Yamada Naoko is another familiar name, a rising star in the industry who gave us K-On! and Liz and the Blue Bird. I really like the way she uses camera angles, colors, the overall style that makes an anime more like watching a live adaptation. How she is able to capture the personality and feelings of each character on a two-dimensional medium.

So a "slice of life" anime series written by Okada Mari and directed by Yamada Naoko would be... simply amazing. If the music is by Yokoyama Masaru, that would be all the more amazing.

Anyway, I am not that great at explaining the works of Okada Mari and Yamada Naoko, so I thought I would let YouTube people do it for me. Enjoy.

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