Monday, September 30, 2019

Making the MRR ESPA board available

In a previous post, I mentioned that the MRR ESPA is being made available via Kickstarter. Unfortunately, the funding goal was not met, and it won't be made available to the general public via the Kickstarter platform.

Still, I do hope to somehow get this board out to people who are interested. The project will continue to be hosted on GitHub at its "official" repo. This will be the repo where any future work, documentation, etc. will be uploaded as the board is past its development stage and is ready to be shared. If you are interested in the MRR ESPA, please check the repo for updates, the latest files, and other news.

As of today, the latest version of the board is v1.3 (files have not been uploaded to GitHub yet, will do so once the files have been updated with LCSC part numbers to make it easier for people who want to make their own boards to get their hands on the required BOM).

Note: "Making the board available" probably entails me soldering the boards together by hand instead of commissioning assembly to a company like Elecrow.

Note: Pre-launch version now available here. Some information on this has been updated here.

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