Seeing the U.S. Senate trying to vote on Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is just so depressing.
Elected officials are supposed to be acting on behalf of the people who elected them, doing their best to protect those who elected them. So when decisions are based on party lines instead of the people's interests, it is just so depressing.
Because it shows that democracy is so very fragile.
However they vote, the result is the same: the highest elected officials of the land does not take accusations from women seriously. They are not willing to give women the same due process they would give to white men. They are not willing to let the professional investigators in the FBI, career people who make a living from conducting investigations, do their jobs. In short, they do not respect or trust in the FBI's professionalism.
Women being denied due process. A justice system that does not respect nor trust its own investigative agency. Can anyone feel safe under the law anymore? One cannot help but feel that the law seems to be selective in who it protects.
Democracies, when done right, can be very powerful, for it empowers the people. But democracies can also be easily hijacked.
I just hope people continue to keep their eyes and ears open. Because ultimately, in democracies, the people still have a way to take back power from those who hijack their systems. But they can only do that if they are informed and concerned.
Elected officials are supposed to be acting on behalf of the people who elected them, doing their best to protect those who elected them. So when decisions are based on party lines instead of the people's interests, it is just so depressing.
Because it shows that democracy is so very fragile.
However they vote, the result is the same: the highest elected officials of the land does not take accusations from women seriously. They are not willing to give women the same due process they would give to white men. They are not willing to let the professional investigators in the FBI, career people who make a living from conducting investigations, do their jobs. In short, they do not respect or trust in the FBI's professionalism.
Women being denied due process. A justice system that does not respect nor trust its own investigative agency. Can anyone feel safe under the law anymore? One cannot help but feel that the law seems to be selective in who it protects.
Democracies, when done right, can be very powerful, for it empowers the people. But democracies can also be easily hijacked.
I just hope people continue to keep their eyes and ears open. Because ultimately, in democracies, the people still have a way to take back power from those who hijack their systems. But they can only do that if they are informed and concerned.