Friday, September 28, 2018

Do not let others use our differences to divide us

Our founding fathers knew that as a nation diverse in race and religion, any difference can be exploited to drive a wedge into our society, ripping apart the fabric that holds us together as a nation. Events in other parts of the world in recent years have shown us exactly how a nation can be torn apart by politicians exploiting differences for their own gains. For Singapore to stay strong as a nation, we should be working at ways to find common ground amidst our differences, rather than sit in opposing camps with swords drawn.

Because to do otherwise would mean it is not possible to be both patriotic and religious. And if being both is not possible, the idea of Singapore, based on the ideal of "regardless of race, language, or religion," goes up in smoke.

And that is why I am wary whenever leaders of influential groups seek to put people into two camps, because I do not know if they are trying to exploit those divisions for their own gains. Because there are people who gain from chaos. There are people who seek to stir up emotions so as to cloud what people see.

Do not tell me what is right or wrong. Let me see the arguments and decide for myself. Putting pressure on people to accept your views is just blackmail.

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