Sunday, September 02, 2018

Remembering McCain

McCain tributes echo with criticism of Trump
Trump wasn't invited to McCain's funeral, but his presence loomed large as political heavyweights praised McCain for rising above the 'politics of fear'

A funeral service for Senator John Sidney McCain III was held on Sep 1, 2018 at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C.

Eulogies were delivered by his daughter, Meghan, as well as Henry Kissinger, former President George W. Bush, and former President Barack Obama.

While it may be easy to brand some of the eulogies as political jabs at Trump, I think we miss the point.

Meghan's eulogy was emotional, a fitting one from a daughter of a great man. The contrast between this great man and the one currently in the Oval Office only makes it all the more emotional.

Personally, I think Bush's eulogy was quite simple. I guess it stems from them only being rivals for a short while.

Obama's eulogy was the most powerful. Their differences, touched on by Obama himself, served to make their rivalry all the more intense, and therefore made their understanding of each other all the more deep. I don't think Obama was intentionally getting at Trump with what he said; all he did was highlight what made McCain a great man. The fact that it contrasted so much with Trump only made people hear all that Trump criticism, without realizing that Obama was only praising McCain.

When a person stands on flimsy ground, everything must seem like an attack.
When a person stands on firm ground, nothing can topple him.

In a dark room, a burning torch only seems all that much brighter.

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