Sunday, August 05, 2018

Visiting Maker Faire Tokyo 2018

It was a hot summer day, but I dragged myself down to make the one-hour trip to Tokyo Big Sight to visit Maker Faire Tokyo 2018.

This was my first time at a maker fair, so it was really a new experience and an eye-opener for me.

Just outside the exhibition space, there was an area for kids to work on projects.

The guys from Ultimaker, Prusa Research, and RepRap Japan were here too!
Prusa Research was showing off their new Multi-Material Upgrade 2.0, which is able to use up to five different materials at the same time. Cool!

M5Stack was here too, with their CEO Jimmy Lai. I was a bit shy, so I didn't talk to him. But he brought the M5Stack family (series) with him, plus all those stuff he was using the M5Stack for, like the piano.

There was also a booth where you ca have shoes made to fit your feet just by taking photos of your feet. It reminded me of a conversation I had with an ex-colleague on exactly the same thing! But that conversation was like two years ago. Still, it is interesting to see an idea take shape.

Lego was there too, right at the entrance, where the Kids & Education area was.

And even Star Wars was represented at the exhibition, with DIY droids and lightsabers.

Someone made a UUV from PVC pipes.

There were homemade rockets too!
Some of them even looked like missiles (see the one in the background).

Someone was even trying to make a full-size tank!

And there was a group which makes satellites. These satellites would take pictures of the Earth and send them back. When the satellite's life expires, it literally drops out of the sky, becoming a falling star.
These satellites are filled with pieces of paper with wishes written on them, burning up these wishes as the satellite falls through the atmosphere as a falling star. Sure way to make a wish upon a falling star.

And many many many years ago, when I was a student, I used to take part in micromouse competitions. So seeing them brings back memories. Though during my time, the mice were much bigger.

All in, I spent slightly more than 2 hours at the maker fair, just walking and glancing, not really looking in detail or asking questions. If I did... I would be there till closing! It was a great experience seeing what others are doing, and what can be done. I am inspired by them and hopefully, I will be one of them next year!

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