Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Editing STL files in FreeCAD

I have been learning about 3D printing, and one of the things which stumped me has been how to edit STL files posted on the Internet (at sites such as Thingiverse).

Then I found FreeCAD, an open source CAD software. And Google brought me to an article on how to convert STL files into solid shapes that can be edited in FreeCAD. Except that it missed an important step.

My original workflow (missing important steps):
1. Import STL file.
2. In Parts workbench, select imported mesh and select "Create shape from mesh" in the Parts menu.
3. Select the newly created shape, and select "Convert to solid" in the Parts menu.
The result is a solid that can be edited. But very messy, with surfaces being made of triangles.

Then I decided to do the right thing: read the documentation. And came upon this page titled "Import from STL or OBJ" in the wiki. And realized the important steps I had been missing.

The documentation's workflow, in summary:
1. Import STL file.
2. In Mesh Design workbench, select the imported mesh, and Mesh->Analyze->Evaluate & repair mesh. Analyze and repair as necessary.
3. In Parts workbench, select imported mesh and select "Create shape from mesh" in the Parts menu.
4. Select the newly created shape, then "Refine shape" in the Parts menu.
5. Select the refined shape, and select "Convert to solid" in the Parts menu.
This gives a much cleaner solid, with proper flat surfaces made of rectangles (and curves are stringed rectangular surfaces). Which is definitely better on the eyes, and easier to edit.

(This is basically a note to myself, just in case I forget the process.)

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