Monday, December 04, 2017

Time to end the nonsense

Every time I read his tweets, I only shake my head more and more.

There has never been a leader more divisive.

And it is now time to end this nonsense.

The way to do this is to downplay the party line. In fact, do not even let it seem like it is a face off between the two parties. Appeal to the good senses of the people elected by the people to do the right thing for the people. Appeal to them to ask themselves: is this the person they really want to be representing them on the global stage?

Look into our hearts. We all know what it is. Vote with your heart, not with your party. Because this is no longer about party policy. It is about a person who does not care about his party in the first place, doing things against his own party, openly going against his own party, openly criticizing his own party. The party owes him nothing. The party owes it to the people, and to the party, to do the right thing, before things get even worse.

It is not about which party is in power. It is about doing good for the people.

It is time to end this nonsense.

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