Sunday, December 03, 2017

Shrouded in controversy... karma?

Shrouded in controversy.

Obama's administration was shrouded with the question about his birth, created by the very vocal Donald Trump. But Obama had his birth certificate to prove the allegations to be false. Of course, when you have truth on your side, you don't really need to worry.

Now, Trump's own administration is shrouded in controversy, with the allegations of collusion with Russia. Some would call it karma. And like Obama, the only way to push away those allegations is with the truth. I just hope he has the truth on his side.

Because the truth will eventually come to light. And the longer you keep the truth hidden, the bigger the impact when it comes to light.

Sometimes, it is better to cut losses... but that's probably not going to be easy for someone who only admits defeat when he goes bankrupt.

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