Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Conning America

Someone really should write a book on Trump and how he is conning America.

Conning, in both senses of the word "con."

To con a ship means to be at the helm and to steer it. Which is befitting Trump since as the president, he is the man in charge of steering America.

There is another meaning for "con" for which Trump appears to be doing, with his campaign promises and what he has delivered to date.

So "Conning America" is going to make a great title for a book about Trump's presidency. You can even add in "The truth about the Trump presidency" as a sub title for the book.

All we need now is someone to pick up on this, do the research, write the book, and get it published.

Maybe Stephen Colbert or Trevor Noah?

#ConningAmerica #StephenColbert #TrevorNoah

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