Thursday, July 27, 2017

Horrified by tweet

The morning started with this horrifying set of tweets.

I don't know what medical costs he is talking about, but I don't think being transgender affects how decisive a person is. And opening serving as transgender takes a lot more courage than what most people have.

If you want decisive and overwhelming victory, you should be looking at how to attract the best people and how to keep them, rather than worry about what's between their legs. Kristin Beck is transgender, but that did not stop her from being one of the best military personnel, making it to serve on the Navy SEALs. There are many more serving now who are just as effective as any other trained military personnel, and the least the top guy can do is not distract them from their duties.

If it is about medical costs, well, there are a lot of other conditions that require medical attention. Does that mean all these people are banned from serving too? According to some sources, transgender people serving in the US military may cost the military up to 8.4 million USD annually. Compare this with the 41 million USD spent annually on Viagra.

So when will people wake up and do the right thing to save the US. I hope it is soon, before it is too late and there is nothing left to save.

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