Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Back to Afghanistan

The U.S. is going back to Afghanistan. Instead of leaving.

In the words of someone, this is "so sad."

History has shown that if you let the generals fight a war, you are going to end up in trouble. Because war is not just about military action, but is a national effort that combines military might with economic, political, diplomatic, and even cultural efforts. It is a comprehensive package, and it cannot be just about "killing terrorists."

Killing terrorists alone will not end terrorism. It will only breed more terrorists to take their places. A proper strategy to eliminate the reason for their fight needs to be adopted in order to settle this issue for the long term. Yes, killing terrorists will rid them for the time being. But that is only until the next batch of them can be trained. Then you have the whole cycle again. And again. And again.

But if you can rid the reason for their fight, you stop the recruitment flow. That breaks the cycle.

By all means, listen to the generals. But also find people who can help you think up of a comprehensive strategy that will take care of the issue in the long term, rather than win the current fight. Don't win the battle but lose the war. That's what happened in Vietnam.

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