Thursday, August 31, 2017

A viable alternative

Just a thought as I look at Japan, the US, and my own country Singapore.

The opposition always has something to say about the ruling party. But whatever the flaws of the ruling party, it is still in power. Why?

I guess this has to do with the opposition, actually. Not the voters being fooled by the ruling party or anything. While there may be some irrational voters, at the end of the day, most voters are rational and will vote for whichever party they see as providing best to their needs. And when everything looks bad, they will pick the lesser of two evils.

So if the opposition really wants to come into power, it needs to provide a viable alternative, one that can work. They must be able to provide a solution that is better than what the ruling party is or aims to provide. Otherwise, why bother to have a token opposition representation in parliament? That token opposition will not be big enough to do anything. In a crude way of putting things, it is like masturbation. You feel good, but it is not the real thing.

Any political party that wants to come into power needs to provide a working solution that is better than all other options out there. Simple. Else no one will vote for you, since it is not going to really matter. Voicing disagreement without the power to do anything is meaningless.

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