Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Turn The Ship Around (book review)

I have been recently reading this book in an effort to get ideas on how to improve the workplace. The book has an idea called "leader-leader", instead of the traditional "leader-follower" model. It is about the author (David Marquet) and his experience in turning around his submarine from one in which morale was low and people just following orders and avoiding mistakes, into a unit in which people take initiative and strive for excellence.

The book is structured much like a workbook, with exercises to help your organisation as well. Simple activities like writing ideas on cards and pasting these for all to see are things that we all know; what this book provides are the questions to ask your people so that they can think about what to write on those cards. Without giving away too much, I think this is a book that can make a difference; at least, I see how it can help me at my workplace. In fact, it is similar in idea to what I want to achieve, just that I had difficulty trying to find a way to implement it. This book gives me ideas on how to implement my own ideas on leadership and ownership, on how to achieve excellence.

Definitely a good read for anyone who wants to make their workplace a better place!

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