Again, the drama (this time, 10 full episodes instead of the TV short-story dealing with GID) deals with the issue of discrimination against those who suffer from a medical disorder, in this case, intersexuality. It is about how people try to fit in; one is either male or female, there is no room for those in between. To be accepted by society, one must conform to society's expectations of being either sex. This is like saying that you must be either left or right-handed; if you are ambidextrous, you are a freak. Just because someone is born different doesn't mean he or she deserves to be treated like a freak. Similar to those with GID, intersexuals are human beings too. They have red blood, breath air, and experience similar feelings like the rest of us. So why can't we accept them for who they are? Why must we force them to conform to our accepted norms?
After all, norms are what we perceive to be the common baseline. Yet, what if the common baseline is not so common after all?
Official site
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