Saturday, March 23, 2013

The failing of a genius

One can be a genius and still fail. Why? How?

A genius is great at what he does. He has his own way of thinking, his own logic, his own internal system that allows him to achieve what others, the average guy, cannot.

The trouble comes when the genius tries to help the average guy. He tries to teach the average guy his system; worse, he tries to dictate that the average guy follows his system. He fails to see that his system only works for him... it only works because of the genius.

The average guy trying to use the genius' system may not do very well. He may not even succeed. He may not understand the system. Over time, the system becomes a relic. It may even get in the way.

The genius can help the average guy not by sharing his system with the average guy, but by helping the average guy develop a system that works for the average guy. That way, the average guy owns his own system, he understands his own system, and it works for him.

So if your method works, before you go around sharing it, ask yourself: does your method work because of you, or because of the method?

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