Sunday, March 31, 2013

Busy long weekend!

Good Friday and Easter weekend. Busy busy busy! With some guests from Japan (okay, relatives).

It started with a Friday at Universal Studio Singapore. We thought the crowd would be smaller since we expected people to be at church. We were a bit correct, the crowd at opening was smaller, but it grew towards lunchtime. Still, the weather was okay, it wasn't very hot, with a bit of rain to cool things down. Only thing was the technical errors at the two rides (Transformers, and Elmo) that we wanted to go for; queued for an hours at Transformers only to have to leave when the error closed down the ride, and couldn't even join the queue for the Elmo show.

Saturday was spent catching a movie, The Croods. Something for the kids (ours, and my wife's niece). Then rushed back after dinner to practise calligraphy.

Sunday, Easter Sunday, today, was especially busy. The kid had a performance at the church, and that was followed by some more calligraphy practice (I need to hand in some "homework"). And then it was again off to dinner, to celebrate the kid's 4th birthday. Time flies!

PS. Pictures will follow once I have time to sort them out.

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