Sunday, January 09, 2011

My Kindle 3

After finally getting myself an Amazon Kindle 3, here's some updates.

My wife, ever so good at sewing, kindly produced a case of her own for my Kindle 3. It allows me to keep my Kindle safe from scratches while carrying it around from place to place. Here's how it looks like:

The case itself:

The case with the Kindle in it:

The case with the Kindle on it:

Also, to those who worry about security checks while travelling with the Kindle, so far, I have not been told to remove the Kindle from its case at airport security checks. But onboard planes, they will still ask you to stop using the Kindle during take-off and landing.

The Kindle 3 is great for reading novels and books without pictures. Being able to change the font size and line spacing really helps. But if there are pictures... they may not turn out as well. It is also very convenient when travelling. I like to read several books at a time, switching between them as my interest switches. With the Kindle, I was able to switch between books without having to carry physically more than one book (and the Kindle is lighter and smaller than most books too). The Internet browser is not that great, though... given that the e-ink screen does not refresh as well as a normal LCD screen.

If I have a wish for how the next Kindle would be like:
- Colour screen (now that colour e-ink is out)
- Better way of viewing the notes (instead of everything in a single file)
- A standalone notepad application (that way, I can use it as a notepad too!)
- More robust web browser

Get your Kindle 3 today at Amazon!

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