Monday, January 24, 2011

Hawaiian summer 2010

In summer 2010, I spent some time in Hawaii (Oahu) due to work, but also managed to squeeze in some time to explore the island with the family.

The famous Waikiki beach, with Diamond Head in the background.

You can't say you have to been to Hawaii if you never visit Waikiki. Here's a shot of the sun over the beach.

Another famous beach: Waimea Point. People so love jumping off the rock here.

It's a great place for the kids to play in the sand too, since it is not as crowded as Waikiki.

Hawaii is full of beaches, here's the view from another beach, Sunset Beach.

And the family photo, taken at Pali Lookout.

The sightseeing was short but enjoyable. I wonder when we will be able to do this again?

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