Sunday, November 15, 2009

Modern dads

Yet another article by Sumiko Tan. This one is called "Charm of a modern dad". You can read the article here (if you are an online subscriber to The Straits Times) or here.

I am what she terms a modern dad. I like to go out with my son. I enjoy pushing his stroller around the shopping mall, while my wife goes off shopping (and enjoying whatever little time she has away from the baby). I don't mind searching around for a nursing room to change his diapers (and finding out that some malls have the nursing room inside the ladies), feeding him milk when he is hungry, or carrying him when he gets bored sitting in the stroller. I enjoy carrying him around for a walk (although it can be tiring, with him being heavy for his age). I guess it is because I don't spend a lot of time with him, which is why I all the more treasure the little time that I have with him (even if it is just helping to change his diapers or feeding him milk).

And sometimes, when I am alone with the baby, people look at me with curious eyes that seems to be asking, "Where's the mother?" And seems like I am not alone, with a similar article in yesterday's papers as well. Somehow, there is the stereotype that mothers, not fathers, are supposed to be the ones carrying babies around and attending to their needs. While I don't take care of the baby as much as my wife does, I do enjoy spending time with him, no matter what form that takes.

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